Better Than Paleo: M.D.’s new discovery helps you burn off up to 28 lbs. of fat so you never fear the scale again.

The tape measure, the scale and photos don't lie.

"My new ‘Better Than Paleo’ discovery helped Amanda burn off 17 lbs. of pure fat and 23 inches throughout her whole body.”

"Now, you can use this same secret to activate all five weight-loss triggers in your body and shrink your waist, hips and thighs—all while enjoying healthy amounts of your favorite foods.”

Dr. Sears

Dear Friend,

Every week, I see scores of patients at my clinic in Royal Palm Beach, Florida and write to over 500,000 readers — all who want to slow aging and feel leaner, healthier and stronger.

What I’m telling them now is a surprise to many, a shock to others. It’s this:

The Paleo Diet, which I first started writing about in 1998, unleashes the fat-burning power that made our Paleo ancestors so lean and so healthy. It’s a diet that can work like magic — it was the No. 1 diet in America in 2013 — yet it’s unsustainable.

By that I mean many people start the Paleo Diet, but most can’t keep it up. No carbs, no sugar, no dairy is a very rigid diet… following the Paleo Diet can be very expensive… and there are environmental concerns over the amount of meat required.

No wonder nine out of 10 people on the Paleo Diet fail.

So I set out to find something that would give you all the benefits of the Paleo Diet—plus much more —at a fraction of time, energy and cost. And I found it.

Better Than Paleo: The secret of the leanest, healthiest people on earth

man at pool

Most diet "experts” say poor metabolism is the major reason why people can’t lose weight.

The real reason why so many people fail to lose those extra pounds is that their "weight loss signals” are OUT of alignment.

If this happens, you won’t effectively burn fat or burn calories between meals —leaving you always hungry and craving sweets.

The Paleo Diet of lean protein and healthy fats kept two of these signals aligned for our ancestors.

Yet what I’ve learned from the latest medical research is your body actually has five weight-loss signals.

More important, I’ve found a new way to trigger all five of these weight-loss signals in your body, making weight loss and super health almost effortless.

Why "ultra” is superior to any diet or weight-loss effort you’ve ever tried

Do you want to…

>> Lose 10, 15, 20 or even 28 lbs.?

>> Shrink your stomach, thin your thighs and lose love handles?


>> Enjoy healthy amounts of pizza, pasta, pastries and your favorite foods?

>> Eliminate cravings for carbs, sweets, fast foods and high-fat foods?

>> Keep your cholesterol, blood sugar and triglycerides healthy?

>> Boost and balance your "feel good” hormone?

>> "Ace” your next medical checkup?

>> And get compliments galore at how good (and lean) you look?

If so, keep reading this Special Report because I’m going to tell you how all of this is possible — and more — with my new and improved Ultra Primal Lean formula.

This is the same life-changing formula my patients and readers use and swear by… and now it’s available to you. It starts with a…

Rare African herb switches on your body’s fat-burning trigger

18 times more weight lost—Lipids in Health and Disease


Why did the Paleo Diet help our ancestors burn fat and stay so lean? Because their diet was loaded with protein, which triggers your body to naturally shed fat.

Paleo gurus say you should get protein from grass-fed or free-range beef, pork or chicken or fresh fish.

The problem is, to shed fat with the Paleo Diet you need to eat A LOT of lean protein—like 128 grams a day if you weigh 160 pounds.

To get that much protein, you’d have to eat a 16 oz. top sirloin with excess fat trimmed off every day!

That’s too much meat for me, so I found a much better way to incinerate fat

In researching the best natural fat burners from my worldwide travels, I came across a little-known secret natives from West Africa have used for centuries to stay lean and trim.

fox sidebar

It’s an herb derived from the fruit of the Bush Mango grown in the wilds of Africa called Irvingia gabonensis.

Irvingia gabonensis, or IG for short, is an adaptogen — a natural substance that helps your body adapt to stress and also exerts a "normalizing” effect.

In this case, it "resets” your body’s ability to burn fat as fuel.

Specifically, IG tells the fat inside your body to break down into the kind of fat that can be burned for energy, not stored as extra pounds.

And the body slimming results are nothing short of phenomenal

mango chart

In a study published in Lipids in Health and Disease, 102 healthy, overweight or obese volunteers (avg. weight, 212 –215 lbs.) took 150 mg of Irvingia gabonensis or a placebo twice a day for 10 weeks.

At the baseline, at 4 weeks, at 8 weeks and at the end of the study, measurements were made in body weight, body fat, waist circumference, as well as cholesterol, blood sugar and other key blood level measures.

The results? For those taking Irvingia gabonensis — amazing!

    expensive protein

  • 18 times more weight lost! Those taking IG lost an average of 28 pounds! Those taking the placebo lost 1.54 pounds. That’s 18 times more weight lost!
  • 3 times more fat incinerated! Fat lost taking IG: 6.3%! Fat lost taking the placebo: 1.99%.
  • Nearly 7 inches gone off the waist! Waist shrunk with IG: 6.65 inches! Inches off the waist with the placebo: 2 inches.
  • Plus, the IG group kept their cholesterol and blood sugar at healthy levels.

No wonder doctors and scientists conducting this study write that Irvingia gabonensis, "Favorably impacts body weight and a variety of parameters characteristic of metabolic syndrome.”1++

Ultra Primal Lean bottle

Irvingia gabonensis exceeds the fat-burning power of the Paleo Diet, and that’s why it’s the first key ingredient in my new and improved Ultra Primal Lean.

Yet as you’ll see, this powerful formula does much more than turn on your body’s fat-burning trigger…

This "skinny bean” prevents most carbs from turning into fat.

Eat healthy amounts of your favorite foods and still lose weight.


Did you know that when you lose weight, your fat cells shrink?

The Paleo Diet does the same thing by significantly reducing your intake of carbohydrates and by increasing your intake of healthy fats.

But cutting out all sugar, cereals, bread, cookies, cakes, potatoes, white flour, pizza, pasta and sodas is nearly impossible for most people. If you’ve tried to go "no carb,” you know what I mean.

That’s why I’m excited to tell you about a remarkable discovery clinically proven to help you drop pounds just like if you were restricting carbs — only you can still eat healthy amounts of pasta, pizza and pastries and your favorite foods to your delight.


The ultimate carb "blocker”

You may have heard of carb "blockers” before, but nothing I’ve found is more effective at doing this than white kidney bean extract.

Normally, your body takes in carbs and makes fat from them.

But now, with white kidney bean extract, you can…

  • Prevent carbs from being turned into fat
  • Eliminate carbs before they turn into fat
  • Prevent fat gain when you eat starchy, carb-rich foods or processed foods

This is like turning on your body’s carb-blocking mechanism!

White kidney bean works by reducing alpha amylase, an enzyme that breaks down the starch in carbs into its simplest form, sugar.

Without alpha amylase, your body can’t turn starches into sugar — and they pass OUT of your body before they get stored as fat.

Doctors report amazing weight loss in 30 days even with a carb-rich diet

What does science have to say about the power of white kidney bean extract? Plenty.

In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in the International Journal of Medical Sciences, 60 slightly overweight volunteers took 445 mg of white kidney bean extract or a placebo a day before a carb-rich meal.

After 30 days, those taking white kidney bean extract had significantly greater reduction of…

  • Body weight
  • Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Fat mass
  • Belly fat thickness
  • Waist/hip/thigh circumference

…compared to those taking the placebo.

That’s right. Those taking white kidney bean extract lost weight while still consuming a carb-rich diet of 2,000 to 2,200 calories a day!

Ultra Primal Lean bottle

More important, researchers conducting the study reported that with white kidney bean extract, the "major weight changes were brought about by fat loss,” not water loss!2

Imagine getting the fat-shedding benefits of "no carbs” like the Paleo Diet in just 30 days… without having to completely give up carbs!

This is why the "skinny bean” — white kidney bean extract — is the second key ingredient in my new and improved Ultra Primal Lean.

Besides turning on your body’s fat-shedding and carb-blocking mechanisms, Ultra Primal Lean gives you something money can’t buy, as you’ll now see…

Feel the most confident you can be …get compliments galore …and never fear the scale again!


Yes, my new and improved Ultra Primal Lean helps you lose stubborn fat, but it also gives you something money can’t buy: Confidence!

With your new leaner, healthier, stronger body, you’ll have the confidence to…

  • Get out on the dance floor and enjoy a whole night of fun
  • Say "yes” to friends who ask you to join them on a 5K walk or run
  • Wear that new bathing suit or board shorts at the beach or pool party
  • Put on your "skinny” clothes again
  • Get to the gym on a regular basis for healthy workouts
  • Dress up for a wedding or reunion and get compliments galore
  • Get on the scale without fear or worry

With Ultra Primal Lean, you’ll enjoy a leaner, fitter body that’ll have all your friends and family begging for your secret. You tell them, it’s easy — just take Ultra Primal Lean every day.

Asian "fullness fruit” is nature’s most powerful appetite suppressant.

woman on scale

Proponents of the Paleo Diet swear by it because it helps them feel more full and less hungry, which cuts down cravings between meals.

Of course, if you’re eating platefuls of steak, bacon, eggs, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, tuna, chicken breasts and butternut squash, you’d feel full, too.

But I’ve found a better way to feel fuller and more satisfied… banish unwanted hunger pangs and cravings… and decrease total body weight without having to stuff your face with Paleo Diet foods.

Feel fuller, faster, and limit your chances of overeating


It’s possible with the extract of Garcinia cambogia (GC), a small citrus fruit grown in Asia. Natives use its dried rind as a preservative and flavoring agent and say eating a small amount of this fruit makes them full. Now we know why.

Garcinia cambogia…

  1. Blocks the action of an enzyme called citrate lyase, which in turn suppresses your appetite
  2. Increases production of glycogen, which tells your brain you’re full
  3. Improves your body’s response to leptin, the "fullness” hormone

Taking Garcinia cambogia turns on your "fullness” trigger which tells your brain, "We’ve had enough to eat.”

The proof? Georgetown study shows GC delivers eight appetite-quelling, slimming, health-boosting benefits

Ultra Primal Lean bottle

In this study, 60 volunteers were given a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet… walked 30 minutes a day for five days a week… and took a placebo or Garcinia cambogia every day for 8 weeks.

And the results nearly knocked me off my chair!

Those taking Garcinia cambogia had a significant decrease in…

  • Total body weight
  • Total food intake

Plus a significant increase in…

  • Serotonin (the "feel good, happiness” hormone)
  • Fat oxidation (fat burning)

And as added benefits, they were able to keep their total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides at healthy levels!5

Imagine all eight benefits from one unique extract like this! This is why Garcinia cambogia is the third key ingredient in my new and improved Ultra Primal Lean.

With it, you eat less… feel fuller faster… lose weight… support healthy cholesterol and triglyceride numbers… and feel good, too — results that are far better than from the Paleo Diet.

Yet there’s even more that my Ultra Primal Lean can do for you to help you lose stubborn pounds so you never fear the scale again…

My Ultra Primal Lean includes…

A miracle mineral re-sets your blood sugar trigger so food cravings vanish and weight falls off almost effortlessly.

blood sugar

Another reason the Paleo Diet unleashes the fat-burning power that made our ancestors so lean is its effect on blood sugar.

Plant-based foods and lean meats are low-glycemic foods as their sugars are absorbed slowly—keeping the body energized and slim.

But now I’ve found a mineral that gives your body a better "slimming effect” and puts an end to cravings without having to follow the Paleo Diet.

How your blood sugar affects
how fat or thin you are

When you eat, your body turns carbs into blood sugar (or glucose), and blood sugar affects how hungry you are and if you burn fat or store it.

Blood sugar (or glucose) is also your body’s primary source of energy.

Energy is generated when your pancreas creates the hormone insulin to transport blood sugar into your cells.

The problem is, if you’re eating too much sugar, grains or carb-rich foods lacking fiber, insulin levels skyrocket. The result? You stop burning fat and start storing it.

Insulin is the fat storage hormone, and if you’re resistant to it or if its level rises beyond normal, it will be almost impossible for you to lose weight.

Is it any wonder that 80% of people with serious blood sugar problems are overweight or obese, according to the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse?

Great news! This mineral supports healthy insulin, re-sets your blood sugar trigger and helps you lose weight


It’s chromium picolinate, the fourth key ingredient in my new and improved Ultra Primal Lean.

This powerhouse mineral is vital if you want to get slimmer and healthier, and here’s why.

>> You’ll enjoy healthy blood sugar: In a study conducted in China, people taking chromium kept their insulin, fasting glucose and HbA1c healthy. And if your blood sugar is healthy, you’ll burn carbs for energy, not fat!6

>> You’ll burn more fat and increase lean body mass: In another study, 200-400 ug a day of chromium in combination with strength training induced weight loss and fat loss, while increasing lean body mass.7

>> You’ll banish cravings and reduce hunger levels: In a study conducted at the University of Florida and Louisiana State University, 42 overweight adult women with carb cravings took 1,000 ug of chromium or a placebo a day for eight weeks.

The results? Eye-opening!

Those taking chromium (as chromium picolinate)…

  • Reduced food intake: They decreased calorie consumption at lunch and dinner
  • Reduced hunger levels: They had lower average
    hunger ratings.
  • Reduced cravings: They had lower cravings for carbs, fast foods, fatty foods and sweets.
  • Decreased body weight: They lost stubborn pounds put on by cravings.8

Ultra Primal Lean bottle

No wonder authors of the study hail chromium picolinate as "useful for weight loss and reduced food intake.”

But my new and improved Ultra Primal Lean does even more to help you lose stubborn pounds and regain super health and vitality as you’ll now see…

Stunning seaweed secret triggers your body’s "thin” hormone and stops fat cells from reaching maturity.


Another reason why the Paleo Diet works is it helps users avoid meat and dairy products laden with synthetic hormones, which in turn can cause hormone havoc.

It’s a medical fact: If your hormones are out of balance — especially the hormones affecting fat burning — it will be very difficult to lose weight.

That’s why, for my new and improved Ultra Primal Lean, I searched long and hard to find a natural substance that could help restore your weight-loss hormones, and control how new fat cells form.

And I found the best one, deep beneath the sea


This amazing discovery is an edible brown seaweed called Fucoxanthin.

What caught my attention is Fucoxanthin’s effects on leptin, your body’s "thin” hormone that regulates your appetite and metabolism.

Leptin normally sends out two signals:

  1. The first tells the fat in your body to break down into the kind of fat that can be burned for energy.
  2. The second tells your brain you’re full — which slows down your hunger and reduces food cravings.

The problem is, when too many fat cells build up too quickly, a protein called CRP sticks to leptin and prevents it from delivering its message to your brain.

So you feel hungry all the time, and the fat inside your cells stays there forever.

This is a problem for most people, but not for you with Fucoxanthin in my Ultra Primal Lean.

Solid scientific proof of its fat-burning power

eat well

Once Fucoxanthin helps trigger your "thin” hormone, fat begins to vanish… documented by clinical research.

  • Burn fat and eat well, too

For example, one study showed Fucoxanthin increased fat burning even while women were eating 1,800 calories a day.

What’s more, women taking Fucoxanthin lost both subcutaneous fat which you see in the mirror AND visceral fat which wraps around your organs and causes all kinds of health challenges.9

  • Banish fat cells before they reach maturity

In a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, Fucoxanthin was part of a regimen of nutrients that boosted metabolic rates and helped participants maintain a healthy body weight.10

Plus, in a double-blind study, patients taking a placebo lost three pounds in four months, but those taking Fucoxanthin lost 15 pounds during the same period — a five-fold increase in weight loss.11

This is why Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases writes, "Fucoxanthin shows promise in the treatment and prevention of obesity”…and why I consider it far better than the Paleo Diet.

Put it all together, and…

…now you can see why I call my new
and improved Ultra Primal Lean

"The Holy Grail” of fat burning.

It turns on all five of your body’s weight-loss triggers. And now, it’s yours to try it with zero risk.

If you’re frustrated because popular diets or meal replacement programs have not worked for you, then I hope you’ll try something new and better with scientifically proven ingredients: Ultra Primal Lean.

As you’ve read, it’s the first and only natural weight-loss/anti-aging/super health formula that activates, not one or two, but all five of your body’s weight-loss triggers.

These are…

  1. The fat-burning trigger… so you can lose pounds of fat and never fear the scale again
  2. The carb-metabolizing trigger… so you don’t have to say goodbye to the carbs you love
  3. The fullness trigger… so you feel fuller and more satisfied and don’t overeat
  4. The blood sugar trigger…
    so food cravings vanish
  5. The "thin” hormone trigger… supports healthy hormone levels to help you shed fat and control fat cell formation

I’m confident my new and improved Ultra Primal Lean will work for you, even when 9 out of 10 people on the Paleo Diet fail.

That’s because I’ve seen the results with my own patients and read the success stories of my readers who take it.

Even better, as you’ve read, its unique ingredients are backed by clinical studies and solid scientific and medical research.

Best yet…

You can try Ultra Primal Lean and get a FREE bottle… other FREE Gifts… and not risk one cent thanks to my "Never Fear the Scale Again” Triple Guarantee!

Because Ultra Primal Lean has been so successful for my patients and readers, I want to make it easily available to everybody.

An introductory "Best Deal” offer that includes…

2 bottles

>> Buy two bottles of Ultra Primal Lean and get one bottle, a $59.95 value, FREE!

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These include…

Powerfit cover

■ FREE Bonus eBook No. 1: "Powerfit for Life: Rediscover Your Native Fitness,” a $34.95 value, yours FREE!

I wrote this valuable eBook to reveal the truth about how you can get lean and fit no matter your age or health condition. Discover…

  • The shocking reason why spending hours on the treadmill actually weakens your heart and causes your body to build more fat
  • Forget aerobics — use this secret to build a strong heart, expand your lungs and even burn fat when you’re not working out
  • The 10-minute breakthrough for a lean and muscular body — with energy to burn
  • The secret that helps you defy the effects of aging, fight fatigue and maintain your ideal body weight
  • And many more secrets for sculpting a leaner, trimmer, healthier body, yours FREE!

Youthful Life cover

■ FREE Bonus eBook No. 2:
"7 Steps to a More Youthful Life,”
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I wrote this special eBook to help you recapture all the energy, strength and resistance to disease you had when you were young. Discover…

  • The Nobel Prize winning cellular discovery that can help you grow biologically younger — yes, it true!
  • If your body is lacking this amino acid, you triple the speed at which you age. Easy to fix.
  • The Chinese herb clinically proven to improve immunity, eyesight, sexual potency and skin condition. Amazing!
  • The "universal” antioxidant that significantly lowers your risk of heart, lung and brain problems.
  • The compound found in certain vegetables that can keep your eyes free of macular degeneration.
  • How to reverse age-associated loss of muscle
  • And many more safe, easy, natural secrets to enjoy "young again” living — yours FREE!

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>> FREE shipping and handling, an $8.95 value

In all, that’s a total of $123.80 in FREE Gifts.

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Whatever you decide, you won’t risk one cent thanks to my…

"Never Fear the Scale Again” Money-Back Triple Guarantee! Ultra Primal Lean works for you, or it’s FREE!

In fact, your order is protected by not just one but three guarantees…

■ GUARANTEE No. 1: Ultra Primal Lean is uniquely formulated to turn on all five of your body’s weight-loss triggers to help you burn fat, block carbs, feel fuller, support healthy blood sugar and balance your weight-loss hormones. Your satisfaction is guaranteed — or your money back.

■ GUARANTEE No. 2: Ultra Primal Lean’s unique ingredients have been clinically tested and proven to help you lose weight, reduce body fat, lessen cravings and hunger pangs, support healthy cholesterol, blood sugar and triglycerides, boost moods and restore super health. Your satisfaction is guaranteed — or your money back.

■ GUARANTEE No. 3: Ultra Primal Lean brings together, for the first time, the newest, most advanced and most effective fat-burning nutrients I’ve found in my worldwide travels. They will work for you. Your satisfaction is guaranteed — or your money back.

If you’re not satisfied with Ultra Primal Lean — for any reason at all — just return the bottles and unused portion within 90 days for a full and prompt refund of every penny you’ve paid. No questions asked.

Whatever you decide, any bonus gifts are yours to keep. There will be no further cost of obligation. This way, you risk nothing.

How much weight do you want to lose?

10 pounds? 15 lbs.? 20 lbs. or more?

Whatever the number, my new and improved Ultra Primal Lean can help you achieve your weight-loss goals… shed fat… and get compliments galore.

And here’s one more very important point: You can get all of the fat- burning, health-boosting benefits of Ultra Primal Lean with just two tablets a day.

That’s right. No complicated diet to follow. No expensive foods to buy. No boring pre-made foods to eat.

Instead, you take two Ultra Primal Lean tablets a day… enjoy healthy amounts of your favorite foods… and get slimmer, leaner and healthier — all starting in just 30 days.

Ultra Primal Lean is the same power-packed formula my patients and readers swear by to burn fat, lose weight and boost their health. And now, it’s available to you. Order now, without risk!

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS

P.S. Don’t forget. Your "Best Deal” offer includes one FREE bottle, other FREE Gifts and FREE shipping. In all, that’s $123.80 in FREE bonuses.

Order Now!

Your "Best Deal” means you get one FREE bottle — that's $123.80 in Savings and FREE Gifts!

Best Deal

>> Buy two bottles of Ultra Primal Lean and get one FREE bottle, a $59.95 value

>> Two FREE Bonus eBooks

■ FREE Bonus eBook No. 1: "Powerfit for Life: Rediscover Your Native Fitness,” a $34.95 value, yours FREE!

Learn the shocking reasons why the treadmill… aerobics… and lifting weights can actually weaken your heart and lungs and make you fatter. Plus, the much better, safer and easier way to build lean muscle, fight fatigue, reverse heart disease, defy aging and stay younger.

■ FREE Bonus eBook No. 2: "7 Steps to a More Youthful Life,” a $19.95 value, yours FREE!

Discover the Nobel Prize secret that can help you grow biologically younger… super nutrients can help you burn energy like a 20-year-old, yet live to 100… the "universal” antioxidant that can keep you free of heart, brain and lung problems… the Chinese herb clinically proven improve immunity, sexual potency and your eyesight… and much more, yours FREE!

>> FREE shipping and handling, an $8.95 value

In all, that’s a total of $123.80 in FREE Gifts.

Shed fat… boost health… no risk!

"Never Fear the Scale Again”
Money-Back Triple Guarantee!

I’ve taken all the risk out of your order of my Ultra Primal Lean. That’s because your order is protected by not just one but three guarantees…

Ultra Primal Lean is uniquely formulated to turn on all five of your body’s weight loss triggers to help you burn fat, feel fuller, support healthy blood sugar and balance your weight-loss hormones. Your satisfaction is guaranteed — or your money back.

Ultra Primal Lean’s unique ingredients have been clinically tested and proven to help you lose weight, reduce body fat, lessen cravings and hunger pangs, support healthy cholesterol, blood sugar and triglycerides, boost moods and restore super health. Your satisfaction is guaranteed — or your money back.

Ultra Primal Lean brings together, for the first time, the newest, most advanced and most effective fat-burning nutrients I’ve found in my worldwide travels. They will work for you. Your satisfaction is guaranteed — or your money back.

If you’re not satisfied with Ultra Primal Lean — for any reason at all — just return the bottles and unused portion within 90 days for a full and prompt refund of every penny you’ve paid. No questions asked.

Whatever you decide, any bonus gifts are yours to keep. There will be no further cost of obligation. This way, you risk nothing.

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS


RSVP "Thinner You” Savings Certificate

• Buy two bottles and get a one FREE • Three FREE Gifts • "Never Fear the Scale Again” Triple Guarantee!

Yes, Dr. Sears, I want to activate all five of my body’s weight-loss triggers to burn fat, end cravings and gain lean body mass. Please rush me your new and improved Ultra Primal Lean. I understand I risk nothing thanks to your "Never Fear the Scale” Triple Guarantee.


Best Deal! Buy two bottles and get one FREE!

Send me two bottles of your new and improved Ultra Primal Lean for just $119.90. Also, send me one FREE bottle, a $59.95 value, and my other FREE Gifts. Includes…

  • Two bottles of Ultra Primal Lean
  • One FREE bottle of Ultra Primal Lean, a $59.95 value
  • Two FREE e-books, a combined value of $54.90
  • FREE shipping, a $8.95 value

That’s a total of $123.80 in FREE gifts.

Order Now!

  1. Oben JE et al. Invingia gabonensis significantly reduces body weight and improves metabolic parameters in overweight humans, Lipids in Health and Disease, 2009
  2. Celleno, L. et al. Int J Med Sci 2007
  3. Grube B. et al. Obesity 2013 Epub ahead of print
  4. Hayamizu, K. et al. Journal of Current Research in Science, Aug 2003
  5. Preuss, H.G. et al J Med 2004
  6. Anderson, RA et al. Biological Trace Element Research 1992
  7. Hallmark, M.A., et al Med Sci Sports Exer 1996
  8. Anton, S.D. et al. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 2008 Oct.
  9. Fontana, L. et al. Diabetes, April 2007
  10. Abidov, M. et al, Int J Obesity, 2008
  11. Ramaznov, Z., submitted for publication 2008

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