DC2938 Telo X Pro catalog

The Most POWERFUL Youth-Enhancing, Telomere-Supporting Formula the World has EVER Seen

A breakthrough discovery allows you to naturally activate the youth-enhancing mechanism that’s already in your cells.

I’m talking about your telomeres.

Your telomeres are the little caps on your chromosomes. In other words, they protect your DNA from unraveling. And that’s about all they teach you — even in medical school.

But there’s a growing body of exciting research about the true nature of your telomeres.

They control how your cells age. As you get older and your cells divide more and more, your telomeres get shorter. And eventually, when telomeres in a cell get too short, that cell stops working.

These cells get in the way of other cells trying to do their jobs. And they’re a big reason aging isn’t such a pleasant process…

Why you feel tired and achy all the time…

Why it’s hard for you to get out of bed in the morning…

And why you feel like your body just isn’t what it used to be.

But here’s the good news.

Research shows cells with longer telomeres “act” younger than cells with short ones. This means long telomeres are associated with strong, energetic cells. And when all your cells are strong and energetic, you’ll feel that way too.

And you can support your telomeres with Telo-Essence II.

This 4th-generation blend contains 12 NEW ingredients — for a whopping grand total of 42 telomere-supporting nutrients. Which increases the power and effectiveness of this breakthrough product. Giving your body all the power it needs to supercharge your telomeres and get you the feeling of youth you deserve.

And even though this is the 4th version of my telomere support blend, I’ve kept its price the same since the beginning.

Try Telo-Essence II today. And join the growing ranks of my patients who are getting younger all the time!