Newly Discovered “Second Set” of DNA
Reprograms Aging Cells –
To Act New Again…
Scientists Say New DNA Discovery Can…
Enhance your body’s energy production by as much as 200%
Support the appearance of healthy and youthful skin
Rebuild your immune system
Bulletproof your heart, lungs and circulatory system
And supercharge your brain
Have you ever wondered how long you’re going to live?
What health concerns you could face…
…or what the quality of your life will be like in your later years?
So have scientists…
And over the past few years researchers thought they knew exactly where to find those answers…
Inside your own DNA…
New DNA discovery sheds light on how to live a long, healthy life.
In fact, the government has been funding genetic research projects for years…
With the hope of finally cracking the code on health and disease.
Their goal has been to unravel the mysteries of why we get sick and why we age.
More importantly…
To uncover the truth of our existence and discover the REAL source of our human life force generator.
But they didn’t find it in the obvious place…
What they soon discovered is that the answer to the mysteries of human life, health and vitality, CANNOT be found inside your “normal” DNA…
It’s found within a completely separate set of DNA…
A “second set” of DNA that has remained completely hidden for centuries.
But, thanks to a joint effort between researchers in Spain and the U.K. the mystery of this alternate DNA has finally been revealed.
And what they found could forever change the way we look at the aging process.
What’s more, a growing number of cell biologists are now saying that the quantity and functionality of this “other” DNA can not only determine the quality of your health…
But it can also determine an individual’s lifespan…
…the rate at which you age…
…and what health concerns you’re predisposed to.
You see, when you were younger this “second-set” of DNA was well-protected.
However, as you get older — changes within your cells leave it vulnerable — paving the way for accelerated aging and a variety of chronic health concerns.1
But a New Age-Reversal Discovery Has Just Been Made.
For the first time, unlocking the mysteries of this “second-set” of DNA.
This discovery has uncovered the secret to restoring your body’s youthful and healthy appearance by tapping into this life force generating DNA.
Giving you the potential to stop chronic age-related health challenges, summon youthful-vibrant energy at will, turn back the hands of time on aging skin, joints and blood vessels allowing you to live a longer, healthier more active life.
I’m talking about completely changing the way you age…
Never having to fear the turning of the calendar page or wishing you were younger.
Ridding the planet of age-related health concerns, eliminating muscle atrophy, weight-gain, imbalanced hormones, poor blood sugar control, bad vision, hearing loss and brittle bones.
Defy the law of aging by turning on your “life spark.”
In fact, men and women who defy every law of aging have learned how to turn on this “life spark”…
Supporting healthy blood pressure, cholesterol within normal ranges, mental clarity and energy levels of people half their age…
This new DNA discovery FINALLY sheds light on how and why some people can live such long and healthy lives…
While others simply age at accelerated rates…
It’s all due to the “Life Force Generator” contained inside your “second-set” of DNA.
And today, I’m going to show you how to harness this power for yourself.
But first, let me share with you what this “second set” of DNA is capable of…
And why it is SO exciting.
You see, the consensus among researchers is that this “hidden” DNA plays a central role in the all the signs we see associated with aging.2
Hundreds of studies and stacks of scientific research has made one thing very clear… every aging person should take personal responsibility to ensure optimal function of this “Deep DNA.”
Here are just a few things dependent on your “Second DNA”…
- Brain Health — Brain cells (neurons) require an enormous amount of energy to carry out their specialized functions. In a 2010 study published in the journal of Molecular Neurobiology, researchers determined that the health of this “second DNA” has a direct influence on brain aging.3
- Vascular Health — The health of your arteries is also closely tied to your “second DNA.” Researchers from the Netherlands found that the health of this hidden DNA correlates with healthy arteries in your golden years.4
- Heart Health — In a study published in the journal Circulation Research, Washington University researchers found that the expression of this “second DNA” helps support heart health as we age.5
- Healthy Blood Sugar — Yale University researchers discovered that your “second DNA” supports a healthy insulin response.6
- Stem Cells — Researchers at a prestigious Ivy League university have confirmed that the maintenance of stem cells is dependent on activation of your deep cellular DNA. They’ve also discovered that stem cells don’t decline as you age, but instead lose their restorative potential. And the loss of this restorative potential is tied directly to the expression of your “second DNA.” In other words, dysfunction of this DNA ignites accelerated aging putting a stop to the renewal of your own stem cells.7
What does all this mean?
It means that your “second DNA” is essentially, the “spark” that makes everything else work.8
These discoveries also prove that as this life force weakens, we age.
Not just that, but the resulting weakness is behind just about every age-related health challenge there is.
What’s more, with this NEW understanding it’s now possible to expand your life-force…
Stoke the fires of creation…
Flip the switch on aging…
Recharge your battery…
…and live a longer, healthier and more active life.
I’m talking about saying goodbye to aging and supporting health well into your golden years.
…restoring lost muscle, improving vision and hearing, boosting energy and strengthening weak and brittle bones…
As your lifespan extends.
And I must tell you…
When I finished reading the research, I was SHOCKED.
This breakthrough has finally given me the missing piece of the puzzle that I’ve been searching for my entire medical career.
My travels have taken me around the world from Peru to India to South America studying populations of people — both men and women who have defied all odds and have aged in the most unusual way.
In short, they’ve barely aged at all.
It’s as if something inside of them has paused the aging button.
They have the blood pressure, cholesterol and energy levels of people decades younger…
And they are filled with a vibrant zest for life that until now was poorly understood.
This age-defying discovery I’m about to share with you finally uncovers the secret to their never-ending energy, superb health and surprisingly long lifespan.
Researchers at the Center for Molecular Medicine, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in Bethesda Maryland have discovered why women like 84-year-old Irene Obera who is considered the fastest woman on earth for her age continues to break records.
And why she has the poise and physique of someone in their prime, making age look irrelevant.
It explains why three times as many people in the small village of Tiana in Sardinia live to be 100 than practically anywhere else in the world.9
They rarely suffer any of the “normal” effects of aging, while neighboring villages don’t even come close to their remarkable longevity.
“Super-agers” are redefining what it means to age.
And it explains why women like Jeannie and Linaya, age 77, can participate in a women’s ball league in San Diego.
These “super-agers” are redefining what it means to age — and currently less than 5% of the population has this abilitbaskety.10
Throughout my career, my only thought was that if I could understand the key to their superhuman strength, health and longevity, then I could unlock the secret for everyone…
Then, overnight, researchers from the Center for Molecular Medicine, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute announced their groundbreaking discovery and for the first time everything became crystal clear.
It’s the accumulation of mutations inside the mitochondrial DNA that accelerates the aging process.
These mutations accumulate as you grow older…
And here’s the most interesting part.
In the past, I’ve talked a lot about telomeres and their importance in the aging process.
If you don’t know what a telomere is, let me explain that first.
Telomeres are the caps of repeated DNA sequences found at the end of your chromosomes.
We lose a little with each cell division that occurs.
Average telomere length is often used as a measure of how rapidly cells divide and die, combined with how rapidly stem cells divide to deliver new cells with long telomeres to make up the losses.
And one thing we’ve discovered is that super-agers have long telomeres.
These chromosomal end caps, protect against age-related DNA damage and multiple studies indicate that centenarians have longer versions of these endcaps.11
But new research is now starting to show that it’s in fact something else that dictate just how long the telomeres are.
So, what is it that makes these super-agers SO different?
What’s the Source of Their Immortality?
The answer is hidden inside a mysterious “source of life” that resides within each of our billions of cells.
And this “inner spark” feeds, energizes and nourishes every organ, tissue, bone, nerve and joint in your body…
But as we age…
The supply of this “inner spark” begins to fizzle out, sputtering and choking until it’s finally extinguished — and as this happens over and over in each of your billions of cells aging accelerates until all of your “inner spark” is snuffed out.
The good news is…
Reignite your “inner spark.”
You can re-boot this “life-force” and reignite the spark.
We can slow down the process of aging, maintain good health, and live longer, more vibrant lives…
In fact, I’ve discovered a natural method to re-charge this vital “inner-spark.” Allowing it to release, the perfect amount of this youth generating powerplant, when your body needs it most.
For thousands of years scientists and physicians have been trying to unravel this medical enigma…
It has been the quest of every scientist and physician from every generation, dating back to the beginning of time.
Darwin searched for it.
Einstein dreamed about it.
And Galileo was ultimately jailed for it because he wouldn’t accept the prevailing thoughts of his time.
He knew there was something missing.
Yet, none of them could figure it out…
But that has ALL changed.
Today, super-agers compete and participate in some of the most physically demanding sports even in old age.
Some like Ed Whitlock from Ontario Canada run marathons.
Ed ran the Toronto Waterfront Marathon in 3 hours 56 minutes 34 seconds to become the oldest person to run 26.2 miles under four hours.
Others climb mountains, like Robert Kelman, Ph.D who at the age of 87 became the oldest person to climb Devils Tower.
And NOW it’s possible for EVERYONE to become a super-ager — including you and those you love the most.
Finally Uncovered — the REAL Cause of Aging
New studies confirm that virtually every symptom of aging — including age-related memory loss, bone loss and a frail and weakening heart — are ALL triggered by the SAME thing:
The breakdown of your “second set” of DNA…
And just where is this “second set” of DNA?
It’s hidden in the tens of billions of tiny power generators inside each and every one of your cells…
Inside the mitochondria…
Mitochondria creates energy for every cell in your body.
Now you may have heard of mitochondria before…
But what you haven’t heard is how in addition to its crucial role in creating energy for every cell in your body…
Your mitochondria are also home to your “second set” DNA…
These miniscule power generators house the very source of power, life and the keeper of youth — and through the expression of this DNA they create a powerful, radiant, life-sustaining energy called “ATP” and propel it deep within your cells.
ATP molecules store energy in their chemical bonds, very much like the way a battery stores energy when it is charged up.
Whether you are moving, thinking, reading or simply relaxing — everything you do depends on a full charge of ATP.
ATP is an almost magical form of energy and isn’t anything like the “manufactured” energy you get from stimulants or drugs — that type of energy wears off and fizzles out… leaving you exhausted.
This “life-spark” energy is the catalyst of human existence. And when it’s fully turned ON, it fills your cells with childlike energy and vitality, sharpens your memory, fortifies your muscles and superhuman endurance.
And it’s this “life-spark” that dictates the length of your telomeres too!
There’s just one problem…
As you age, a lethal concoction of pollutants, stress and cell-destroying free radicals destroy your mitochondria and choke off their flow of life-sustaining energy…
In fact, the ability for your mitochondria to pump out this pure, healing, life-sustaining energy drops by an alarming 40% as you age… transforming this “life-spark” from a bright and shining beacon to a flickering lamp.
Causing an energy emergency in every cell… and every organ… in your body. And it’s this power shortage that is behind virtually every age-related health concern there is.
It’s the source of brain fog and memory lapses… the weakening of our life-force and the bane of old age…
In fact, it is NOW clear that aging is nothing more than us simply running low on ATP.12
Enjoy unlimited, young-again energy.
Imagine being able to move freely once again… recalling even the most minute details of every interaction and conversation… enjoying a strong and bulletproof immune system that destroys every foreign invaders with ease… the ability to maintain a healthy normal blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol all within the normal ranges. Supporting a healthy cardiovascular system and unlimited young again energy…
I’ve uncovered the secret to easily and effortlessly resetting your mitochondria… cranking up the flow of life-sustaining energy while generating an abundance of youth-enhancing power.
One shocking “almost magical” nutrient can drastically enhance your memory, keep your heart pumping strong and supporting healthy blood flow…
It has forever altered the lives of centenarians…
…giving them the stamina, muscular endurance, energy and the steel trap minds of people decades younger…
Just Look at This 92-Year-Old Olympic Athlete to See What’s Possible…
Olga Kotelko — set eight world records at Helsinki — in triple jump, javelin, shot and the 400m — and she did it all at the age of 92…
But it wasn’t until Dr. Tanja Taivassalo, a professor at McGill University uncovered the astounding truth behind Olga’s incredible athletic performance…
Dr. Taivassalo did something no scientist had ever thought to do.
She took muscle samples from Olga’s arms — so that she could study her mitochondria.
In an average 92-year-old, the mitochondria are full of mutations and decay, riddled with excessive cell death and low levels of ATP.
But not Olga’s, her mitochondria was exactly the opposite…
In the approximately 400 muscle fibers examined, Dr. Taivassalo says, “We didn’t see a single fiber that had any evidence of mitochondrial decay.”
Olga was able to run faster and outpace most teenagers… she competed in the javelin and shot-put… without experiencing any heart or blood sugar issues or age-related memory loss… all because her mitochondria — her body’s “life-spark” — had stayed young and vibrant. Fueling her body and supplying her with all of the energy she needed to stay young, healthy and competitive.
How We Can All Live to 100 and Stay Energized,
Mentally Sharp and Healthy
In a recent report in the medical journal Aging, researchers discovered that the cells of healthy men and women in their 90s and 100s contain million more mitochondria than “normal” men and women in the same age range.
In addition, their mitochondria were also much more capable of producing… …and their mitochondria are much more efficient at producing the untainted, “spark of life” energy necessary to slow the aging process.13
Up until now, super-agers like Ed and Robert or the men and women living in the Italian village of Tiana were the lucky ones…
Because, before today, a measly 5% of the world’s population were blessed enough to have this “magic” mitochondria…
But this NEW discovery has pulled back the curtain on aging and has made it possible for everyone to experience vibrant health and longevity.
And it doesn’t matter how old you are now…
You can become a super-ager too… and live a longer, healthier and more vibrant life starting today.
It’s a simple, effortless way to recharge your mitochondria… to turn up the heat on your mitochondrial energy production so that your “life spark” shines bright…
…drastically increasing the flow of pure, vibrant, health-inducing energy…
“Power” Nutrient Re-ignites “Spark of Life” Energy by 750%
You see, researchers have discovered that there is a “power” nutrient that can turn back the clock on your mitochondria — restoring ATP production — to levels you haven’t seen for decades.
And its effect on the elderly is almost too good to be true…
This “power” nutrient has been shown to counteract several mechanisms of brain cell damage.
A new study shows that it protects against temporary cerebral ischemia (no blood flow) by maintaining the cell’s energy cycle.14
As people grow older, circulation to the brain diminishes, which can result in neurological impairment.
This potent “spark of life” renewing power nutrient appears to protect against some of the known negative effects that aging induces in the brain.
Just imagine going from a mind that’s fuzzy and disorganized to laser-like focus, crystal clear memories and organized thoughts.
Allowing you to engage in friendly and lively conversation, blow through a crossword and master a puzzle.
Never again forgetting where you put your keys, why you went into a room or what his or her name was…
Imagine how you’ll feel as you come alive with newfound energy…
…always ready to go, always ready to play and always ready to make new memories with your kids grand-kids or great-grand-kids.
Imagine taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or parking far away and enjoying the walk.
Almost as if the more active you are the more energy your body creates.
This “power” nutrient re-charged and re-ignited millions of “spark of life” generating mitochondria deep within their brain cells.
And what is this “power” nutrient?
Acetyl-L-carnitine — ALC for short — and it’s the “life-force catalyst” in one of my latest breakthrough formulas…
Based on some of the most profound and life-changing research, this new formula is designed to re-ignite your aging mitochondria… recharge the flow of energy and return your “spark of life” to youthful levels… all the while protecting you from the ravages of free radicals…
Introducing Mito-Essence: My LATEST Youth-Enhancing Formula
Designed to Turn You into a Super-Ager by Fixing the HIDDEN Faults within Your “Second DNA.”
ALC is the catalyst that reverses all of the age-related concerns triggered by faulty mitochondria — by restoring the production of vital energy enhancing processes it turns back the clock on aging.
ALC is the catalyst to restoring youthful mitochondrial function and reversing the root cause of ALL aging — protecting vital cellular energy while shielding against and possibly reversing undesirable age-related changes.
With Mito-Essence, I’ve super-charged the power of ALC even more by pairing combining it with N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants.
Together these two powerhouse ingredients, deliver a potent one-two punch that wipes out the causes of age-related decline.
ALC — the catalyst — powers up your mitochondria, restoring youth generating energy levels to all the cells of your body.
And NAC — the potent powerhouse-antioxidant — protects your mitochondrial from energy stealing free radicals.
Together these two mitochondrial super-chargers give Mito-Essence the power to:
Support mitochondrial health while restoring your youthful essence.
Exponentially alter the flow of pure “spark of life” enhancing energy.
Protect every cell in your body from the ravages of age-related decline.
Research has exposed mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress as two of the primary culprits of age-related decline.
And because of the breakdown of the cellular powerhouses necessary for producing energy — damage to the mitochondria IS the primary cause of ALL aging.
Mito-Essence ALSO…
- Keeps your memory sharp as a tack
- Supports healthy cholesterol
- Boosts muscular strength and endurance
- Reverses the appearance of skin aging
- Optimizes your physical stamina
- Ramps up your exercise capacity
- Supercharges your immune system
- Increase the length of your “health span” by years
- And so much more…
Energy Doesn’t Just Happen
While your mitochondria work hard to produce ALL the energy the cells of your body need.
It does it through a process that creates waste.
The more energy produced the more waste it creates.
Look at ANY powerplant or energy production facility in the world and you’ll see that they all produce waste.
It’s the accumulation of all this waste that has the potential to create health hazards and poses a threat to every living thing on the planet.
And the key to an efficient powerplant and its longevity is the safe and responsible disposal of this toxic waste.
The same thing occurs in your body.
Your mitochondria are no different than a nuclear power plant.
The only difference is that the deadly waste produced by your mitochondria come in the form of free radicals…
And as you age, your ability to protect yourself from these dangerous free radicals can decrease considerably.
In fact, due to the loss of your ability to neutralize free radicals they’ve been shown to increase by as much as 75% by the time you’re 60…
In turn, this causes fatal damage to your DNA and leading to cellular damage.
That’s why I’ve included a healthy dose of NAC in my Mito-Essence formula…
NAC works by boosting the blood levels of a critical substance called glutathione.
Glutathione is your body’s PRIMARY defender of free radical damage…
It also supports the growth of healthy cells.
When you’re younger, your glutathione levels are high — in turn your ability to neutralize all of the free radicals produced by your mitochondria and protect our cells is extremely efficient.
In one eye-opening study published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, researchers confirmed that as free radical levels rise to unhealthy levels as we age… glutathione levels drop.15
This unfortunate combination of events leaves you unprotected and accelerates aging.
During the study, researchers compared elderly patients suffering from a variety of health complaints typically associated with old age to younger healthier adults.
And what they found was truly ALARMING…
In the elderly, glutathione levels were 68.5% lower…
But that was only part of the problem.
They’re free radical levels were also 75.7% higher!
Meaning that while glutathione levels dropped to dangerous levels…
…free radicals rose to even more dangerous levels.
It’s like walking through a war zone completely unprotected as bullets fly past you.
It’s not a matter of IF you will get hit it’s a matter of when and where.
And if you’re over the age of 50…
You’re already at war.
NAC has been shown to safely raise your glutathione levels back to healthy levels. Levels that are consistent with youth and longevity.
In turn, this protects the delicate mitochondria in your cells from being destroyed by their own waste.
But I didn’t stop there.
I wanted to give you the most COMPLETE age-defying formula ever created which is why I also added…
Rhodiola Rosea — a little yellow flower native to the arctic mountains of Eastern Siberia.
Healers throughout Asia and Europe have used it for thousands of years to relieve a variety of conditions including feelings of nausea, mood changes and fatigue. It’s also used to help sharpen concentration.
I’ve seen its power firsthand and patients I’ve given it to have transformed into visibly younger and stronger version of themselves. All in just a few months.
They also report feeling MUCH better too.
In a study done at the University of California at Irvine, researchers fed Rhodiola to fruit flies resulting in an 24% increase in their lifespan when compared to the rest of the swarm.
Now for a fly, that may mean just a couple of extra days, but for humans that would be the equivalent of living an extra 20 years!16
I’ve also added an important plant flavonoid called luteolin.
Luteolin is commonly found in things like parsley, olive oil, rosemary and celery and it’s a potent protector of your mitochondria.
Luteolin safeguards your mitochondria in two very important ways:
- It stops Advanced Glycation End-Products (AGEs) from doing serious damage.17 AGEs formed when your blood sugar is too high.
As your body struggle to break down all that sugar, AGEs get left behind. These toxic compounds can damage your cells and inhibit your mitochondria’s ability to create energy.
- Luteolin also protects your cells from cytokines, which can cause you a variety of problems. Cytokines leave your mitochondria virtually unable to function.18 The resultant damage can also impair your memory and reduce your ability to learn and think. Luteolin goes to work to support the integrity of the mitochondria while cytokines are present.
Finally, I’ve included a specialized trio of B vitamins.
This triple threat to toxins keeps your mitochondria safe and fully functioning.
B vitamin No. 1 is benfotiamine, a specialized form of vitamin B1. And what makes benfotiamine so remarkable is its ability to further protect you against AGEs.19
This allows your body to continue producing all the “life-spark” energy it needs to keep you active and young.
B vitamin 2 is niacinamide a powerful form of B3.
Studies show that niacinamide keeps your mitochondria functioning at the highest levels.20 Finally, to complete the vitamin B power trio and my “life-spark” enhancing formula I added riboflavin also known as vitamin B2.
Riboflavin is critical to cellular energy production. Having plenty of riboflavin powers up your mitochondrial motors to help maximize energy production. When you have enough of it, riboflavin helps your mitochondria pump out power at full capacity.21
Mito-Essence Turns the Tables on Aging
When it comes to anti-aging… there ARE no miracles.
Yet, this breakthrough is closer to being a miracle than anything else.
Nothing goes to the source, the root or the core of aging like this incredible discovery.
And I want to see you become one of the lucky 5% that are called “super-agers.” I’ve dedicated my ENTIRE medical career to finding and solving the secrets associated with reversing the process of aging.
And through my travels, I’ve met, lived amongst and learned from the healthiest and longest living people on the planet.
But now, through these NEW discoveries everything I’ve observed has finally been explained by ONE simple thing.
Now you can be among the first to experience what’s it’s REALLY like to age slowly…
Can you imagine having enough energy, stamina and endurance to run a marathon at the age of 85?
Or climbing a mountain at age 87?
Can you imagine having a sharp and focused mind, thinking fast and solving problems even faster? Learning new things well into your 80s, 90s and beyond?
How about just being able to spend quality time with those you love?
Never being too tired, or in need of a nap.
Playing with your grandchildren…
Playing golf…
Hiking, biking and enjoying life to the fullest.
I’ve heard it time and again, how a slowdown of both physical and mental processes is normal…
And as we age, it’s OK to do less.
But they’re wrong.
It’s not only “not normal” it’s completely avoidable.
And Mito-Essence is your key to a healthier more energetic life.
Try Mito-Essence TODAY 100% Risk-Free!
By simply maximizing the “life-spark” hidden deep in your mitochondria with Mito-Essence, you can stay youthful, energetic and full of vitality for years to come.
Just like Ed, Robert and the men and women living in Tiana… you can become part of the world’s 5%.
That 5% of men and women known as “super-agers”…
…the healthiest, longest-lived people on the planet.
I think everyone deserves to feel their best ALL of their lives.
With the mental and physical stamina and endurance they enjoyed at their peak.
The health and vibrant energy they enjoyed in their 20s and 30s…
And the good health to 90 and beyond…
Try Mito-Essence for yourself…
If for any reason… or for no reason at all… you don’t want to continue taking Mito-Essence, just let us know within 90 days of purchase.
You’ll get an immediate refund, with no questions asked when you return the jars and any unused portion.
To try my exclusive Mito-Essence risk-free, simply click the order button below and choose your deal.
It’s fast and easy and within just a few days, you’ll receive your very own supply of “life-spark” enhancing Mito-Essence.
Try it today and experience the energy, vitality and zest for life you deserve.
Click the button below and join the 5%.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
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