IMPORTANT NEWS if you’re nearing or over age 50.
Now you can get…
A Whopping 2,000% More Omega-3 DHA Power Than Krill
Next generation soft gel leaves popular “Red” krill oils in the dust to support…
- Healthy brain power and revved-up memory function
- A strong heart with healthy blood pressure and triglycerides
- Smooth joint comfort and flexibility
- Vision protection and healthy eyes
- Healthy blood sugar and insulin
Dear Reader,
Omega-3 DHA is the super fuel that made humans what we are today… without it, our brains would be a fraction of their size.
The problem is, Omega-3 DHA is shockingly under dosed in popular “Red” krill oils and fish oils… and that means your heart, brain, eyes and joints may be starving for nourishment.
Today, I’ll show you a special, overlooked source that delivers a powerful dose of Omega-3 DHA, giving you 200-300% more Omega-3 DHA than fish oils and a whopping 2,000% more Omega-3 DHA than popular ‘Red’ krill oils.
One soft gel of this special Omega-3 formula delivers more Omega-3 DHA power than 20 capsules of popular “Red” krill oils.
Now, you can get a daily dose of youthful, vibrant, rejuvenated health… in just one soft gel a day.
Forget fish oil. There’s now a better source of the most important, health-boosting Omega-3s.

There are two primary nutrients in healthy fats known as “Omega-3s”… And you’re getting too much of one, and not enough of the other.
Commercial fish oils are too high in EPA… and dangerously low in DHA. And that’s a tragic mistake.
EPA might be good for fish, but it won’t rescue your heart and brain from the toxins and depleted food supply in our modern world.
I’m not the only one saying this.
A landmark study by the Quebec Heart and Lung Institute and Laval University, Quebec, confirms something I’ve been telling my patients for years.
If you want to unleash the full rejuvenating power of Omega-3s, you need to make sure you’re getting a high daily dose of Omega-3 DHA—the real King of Omega-3s.
Many doctors don’t realize the unique role DHA played in our evolution. And that’s a problem, because a severe lack of DHA is the real culprit behind many of our biggest health concerns.
And the notion that we can get all the Omega-3 DHA we need from popular fish oil or krill oils is pure fantasy.
Our ancestors got their DHA from animals… especially organ meat. Fish oil is a poor substitute. It doesn’t have enough DHA. It’s not even close.
Take the case of Anne B. from Pennsylvania, who was taking Omega-3 fish oil for over a year to overcome brain fog and joint misery.
Yet, she really didn’t feel better until she THREW AWAY HER FISH OIL and started taking a special kind of high-DHA Omega-3 I’ll tell you about in a moment.
What happened next took her completely by surprise: Her memory started to improve, and her joint pain vanished.
This is why I tell my patients to “FORGET FISH OIL.” And, as you’ll see, popular “Red” krill oils aren’t the best source of Omega-3 DHA either.
Now, there’s a better way for you to get the most potent Omega-3 DHA you need to supercharge your heart, brain, eyes and joints.
For decades, fish oil has been the “go-to” Omega-3 supplement, with billions of dollars of worldwide sales. And more recently, krill oil has been a top seller, too.
But, there’s a BIG PROBLEM with typical fish oils and krill oils that most doctors (and many people) don’t know: These fish oil and krill oil formulations are low in Omega-3 DHA and high in Omega-3 EPA, the two most well-known Omega-3s.
Why is this a problem? Because Omega-3 DHA is the most important, health-boosting Omega-3, but if you’re taking fish oil or krill oil alone, you’re likely NOT getting the full dose of DHA you need.
Landmark study confirms Omega-3 DHA is superior to Omega-3 EPA
In this double-blind, randomized, crossover study, 154 men and women suffering from abdominal obesity and low-grade inflammation were given 3 grams of Omega-3 DHA… Omega-3 EPA… or corn oil daily for 10 weeks.
This study caught my attention because for the first time, Omega-3 DHA and Omega-3 EPA would be compared head-to-head to see which one is better.
The results? Stunning… and exactly what I expected.
Omega-3 DHA was shown to be far superior to Omega-3 EPA in these areas…
- Healthy inflammatory response: DHA showed a greater support than EPA in balancing specific markers of inflammation like interleukin, a balancing which can be beneficial for good vision, heart and brain health.
- Healthy triglycerides: DHA helped support and balance triglycerides better than EPA, which is good news for your heart and arteries.
- Healthy cholesterol: DHA proved superior to EPA for healthy cholesterol and for keeping HDL “good” cholesterol in the normal range.
- Better fat burning: DHA showed a greater increase in adiponectin, your body’s fat burning hormone, than EPA.
Researchers concluded that “DHA is more effective than EPA in modulating specific markers of inflammation as well as blood lipids.”1
Yet, that’s not all.
Mountains of scientific evidence prove what a daily dose of DHA can do.
For my patients, family and myself, Omega-3 DHA is King! Just take a look at what it can do for you…
Safe, Reliable Blood Pressure: In a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials published in the American Journal of Hypertension, DHA was shown to support healthy, normal blood pressure.2
Free-Flowing Circulation: DHA is the Omega-3 that’s beneficial for your tiny blood vessels, called capillaries, that carry oxygen deep into your heart, brain, and hard-to-reach areas.3
Supports Healthy Memory and Revs Up Brain Power: A Tufts University study found those with high levels of DHA have a 47% lower risk of age-related memory and brain concerns.4
Great for Healthy HDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides: In higher doses, it’s DHA that support your HDL to the super-protective level, while keeping blood fats at healthy levels.5
Healthy Eyes and Vision Protection: A health letter by an Ivy League Medical School reports DHA may help preserve vision and relieve dry eyes.6
Healthy Blood Sugar and Insulin: DHA was shown to support healthy fasting blood glucose and lipid metabolism in a clinical trial conducted in China.7
Smooth Joints and Mobility: Studies show people taking highly-absorbable DHA improved joint comfort and flexiblity.8
So, it seems simple enough. For super health and youthful vitality, you just need to take more Omega-3 DHA, right?
The reality is…
Typical sources of Omega-3 DHA are problematic, both in sourcing and dosages
For great health, youthfulness and longevity, you need at least 500 mg of Omega-3 DHA per day.
Yet, it’s almost impossible to get that much Omega-3 DHA from your diet.
Plant sources of Omega-3 DHA are less potent, since so much of our soil is stripped of nutrients by Big Agra’s short-sighting farming efforts. Many processed foods are heavy in Omega-6s, which neutralize benefits of Omega-3 DHA. And some sources of fish are of questionable safety.
Most people try to get Omega-3 DHA from fish oil.
But, if you rely on fish oil for DHA, you may not get any of its health-boosting benefits. That’s because fish oil is poorly absorbed, and many of the potent DHA molecules may never find their way into your cells.
In addition, fish oils typically have more Omega-3 EPA and not enough Omaga-3 DHA in their formulations. Your body needs a much higher ratio of DHA to EPA, like mother’s milk, which has 4 times more DHA than EPA.
Yet, many popular fish oils I’ve seen have only 120 mg or 250 mg of Omega-3 DHA per serving, far short of the 500 mg you need.
What’s more, I don’t trust fish oils because of toxins found in many fish. For example, Food & Water Watch warns that Atlantic Bluefin tuna, orange roughy, Atlantic flounder, sole, halibut and Chilean seabass should be avoided due toxins.
And, what about krill oil? Krill oil has its benefits, which I’ll explain, but even the most popular krill oils sold today are lacking enough Omega-3 DHA.
For example, one popular “Red” krill oil you see at many drug stores delivers just 24 mg of Omega-3 DHA per capsule. You’d have to take more than 20 capsules a day just to get the 500 mg of Omega-3 DHA you need.
This is why I’m excited to tell you about…
The deep-sea source of the highest concentration of Omega-3 DHA known to science that gives you a healthy, youthful, rejuvenating boost

Argentinian squid is an amazing new source of Omega-3 DHA—far superior to any fish oil
Because of problems in sourcing and in dosages of Omega-3 DHA, I began looking for a better, more concentrated source. And I found it where nobody else was looking.
If you saw my passport, you’d know I travel the world over seeking new and better breakthroughs to help boost and protect your health.
Yet, where I found an amazing new, more potent source of Omega-3 DHA—far superior to any fish oil or krill oil—was a real surprise.
I found it practically at the end of the world! It was here I found what I call…
Omega-3 DHA Booster #1:
Argentinian squid (called ilex argentines) are the most potent source of Omega-3 DHA on earth, thriving by the billions in the icy, pure waters off the tip of South America.
These DHA-rich squid spend most of their lives in the darkest, unpolluted depths of ocean where even submarines don’t go.
What got my attention is this mighty mollusk is loaded with Omega-3 DHA. In fact, it’s has the same DHA to EPA ratio as mother’s breast milk: 4:1.
Even better, after this special squid oil is processed, it delivers over 65% Omega-3 DHA—the highest concentration of DHA ever achieved in natural health!
That’s why this unique squid oil is the centerpiece of my supercharged, super-rich Omega Rejuvenol formula.
Each soft gel gives you 500 mg of DHA-rich squid oil, making Omega Rejuvenol like an Omega-3 DHA express train!
And as you’ve seen, once you flood your body with rejuvenating Omega-3 DHA, amazing things can happen for your health and wellness.
Yet, that’s not all. Omega Rejuvenol also includes…
The power-packed source of Omega-3s that enhances DHA absorption and is 800% more powerful than fish oil.
My unique Omega Rejuvenol formula also includes…
Omega-3 DHA Booster #2:
Krill oil, the most absorbable Omega-3 I’ve ever found.
No supplement will do much good for you if it isn’t easily and fully absorbed by your body—and, as mentioned, this is a big problem with fish oil.
How Omega-3s are absorbed by your body is determined by the type of fat attached to it.
In fish oil, Omega-3 DHA is bound to triglycerides or ethyl esters (types of fat). But, in doing so, fish oil LOSES many of its benefits, when those fats are burned off as energy.
The good news is, krill oil is far superior to fish oil for absorption and potency.

Krill, a better absorbed Omega-3 than fish oil
As you may know, krill are tiny shrimp-like creatures that swim in huge biomasses in the pure, icy waters near the South Pole. They are the original source of Omega-3s and offer you a more potent source of protective Omega-3s than fish oil.
The Omega-3s (especially DHA) in krill oil are bound to another type of fat called a phospholipid—which is much easier to digest than the triglyceride or ethyl ester forms found in fish oil.
Krill oil helps Omega-3 DHA pass through your cell membranes better and explains why it’s so potent to keep your brain healthy and sharp.
In fact, the Omega-3 DHA found in krill oil is able to penetrate into nearly EVERY cell in your body—and even into your cells’ power plants (the mitochondria) in a far superior way than fish oil.
Clinical tests prove it.
Krill delivers 30% more Omega-3s than fish oil.
A clinical study published in Nutrition Research confirms that krill oil is superior to fish oil for absorption.
In this study, 76 overweight and obese people took 2 grams of krill oil, fish oil or olive oil every day for four weeks—then had their Omega-3 levels measured.
The results? Eye-catching!
Those taking olive oil saw their Omega-3s rise 2.9%.
Those taking fish oil saw their Omega-3s rise 131.8%.
Yet, those taking krill oil saw their Omega-3s skyrocket 178.4%!
That’s 30% more Omega-3s absorbed from krill oil than from fish oil!9
Yet, that’s not all…
Krill oil is 800% more powerful than fish oil for great health
Not only is Omega-3 krill oil more easily absorbed than fish oil, it’s more effective, too!
For example, in a double-blind, randomized study published in Alternative Medicine Review, people age 18-85 with cholesterol and triglyceride concerns took 3 grams of krill oil, fish oil or a placebo every day for 12 weeks.
In every case, krill oil SOUNDLY BEAT fish oil. For example…
- Krill oil worked 8 times better than fish oil for healthy LDL cholesterol
- Krill oil worked 8 times better than fish oil for healthy triglycerides10
Bottom line: Krill oil is 800% better than fish oil for healthy cholesterol and triglycerides—all vital measures of a strong, healthy heart and arteries.
This why each serving of my supercharged Omega Rejuvenol includes 100 mgs of Superba™ Krill Oil—the most potent, most absorbable Omega-3 and DHA booster I’ve found.
I didn’t stop there. My exclusive Omega Rejuvenol formula also…

“Regenerates,” so it keeps its potency and stays fresher longer
As I mentioned, one reason I steer clear of fish oils is they may be contaminated with heavy metals and pollutants. But, even if you overcome that problem, there is still this problem:
No matter how pristine they are when you collect them, fish oils quickly go rancid. That’s why they smell so bad.
The spoiling is a process of oxidation of the fatty acids in fish oil. This means as soon as you open a bottle of fish oil, it immediately starts to lose its potency and will eventually spoil.
Yet, I’ve solved this problem with…
Omega-3 DHA Booster #3:
Astaxanthin, to keep the Omega-3 DHA fresher, longer and to deliver DHA past the blood/brain barrier
In my book, astaxanthin is the world’s most powerful antioxidant. In fact, it’s up to 6,000 times stronger than vitamin C… up to 800 times stronger than CoQ10… up to 550 times stronger than green tea catechins… and up to 11 times stronger than beta carotene at singlet oxygen quenching.11
This powerful antioxidant STOPS perishable Omega-3s in fish oil from spoiling. No more stinky fish oil! No more weakened Omega-3s!
Plus, astaxanthin (paired with krill oil) has the unique ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and penetrate into your brain’s nerve cells, something fish oil can’t do.
Let me explain. Harvard Medical School reports that your brain is protected from most toxins and bacterial infections by a special blood/brain barrier.
While this blood/brain barrier works to keep dangerous toxins out, it also hinders Omega-3 DHA from getting into your brain. And, you need high amounts of DHA for a healthy, youthful brain.
In fact, the famous Framingham Study reveals that people with low DHA levels have smaller brains and do worse on cognitive tests of visual memory, function and thinking.12
You need high levels of Omega-3 DHA, because it helps your brain grow new branches and renew and rejuvenate itself. Omega-3 DHA can also boost your brain power and sharpen your thinking.
Old forms of Omega-3s don’t have enough DHA, and they can’t cross the blood/brain barrier.
Yet that’s all solved when krill oil is attached to its naturally occurring partner, the super antioxidant astaxanthin.
Together, krill oil and astaxanthin CAN cross the blood/brain barrier and deliver a rich supply of Omega-3 DHA deep into your brain cells.
In fact, in order to get a U.S. Patent, krill oil and astaxanthin had to be proven to cross the blood/brain barrier.13
This is why each serving of Omega Rejuvenol includes 2.5 mg of Natural Astaxanthin Complex.
Finally, my super-rich, supercharged Omega Rejuvenol includes…

Special vitamins that work with Omega-3 DHA to “reprogram” your cells so you feel young again.
Do you know the real reason you grow old?
We’ve known that human cells divide as many as two trillion times a day—and that all cells have a built-in mortality… a “doomsday clock.”
As your cells divide, there’s a limit, like sands of time that finally run out. There’s an internal mechanism in your cells that sets a time limit on cell division and shuts down when that limit is reached. The result? Death.
Scientists at Harvard, Yale, USC and other leading institutions show this mechanism is the telomere, a vital endcap that seals off tips of your cells’ chromosomes to prevent DNA strands from unraveling.
We now know telomeres are what really control aging—and every time your cells divide, your cells’ telomeres get shorter.

Telomeres are what really control aging.
As your telomeres shorten, your body ages more rapidly. This can lead to a weakening heart, memory problems, weak bones, sore joints, poor vision, breathing problems and other issues.
Yet, new medical research shows if you boost the health of your telomeres and lengthen them, your cells stay youthful and keep dividing indefinitely!
The good news is, studies show the link of high Omega-3 DHA with longer, healthier telomeres. Also, Omega-3 DHA activates the enzyme responsible for rebuilding your telomeres called telomerase.14,15,16
This is why my Omega Rejuvenol includes…
Omega-3 DHA Booster #4:
Special vitamins that support Omega-3 DHA’s role in boosting the health and length of “young again” telomeres.
Besides Omega-3 DHA-rich squid oil… krill oil to enhance DHA absorption… and astaxanthin to deliver DHA past the blood/brain barrier, Omega Rejuvenol also includes…
>>Mixed Tocotrienols: The telomere restorer
Mixed tocotrienols are members of the vitamin E family. What’s more, the most well-known form of vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, protects against telomere shortening by activating and restoring telomerase.
Plus, in one study, telomere lengths were 16% longer than controls when exposed to gamma tocotrienol (a lesser-known form of Vitamin E).17
>>Vitamin A Retinol: The telomere extender
Vitamin A supports clear vision, keeps your immunity strong and promotes healthy, youthful skin. A study also shows women who took vitamin A as part of a multivitamin had healthier telomeres.18
>>Vitamin D3: The telomerase supercharger
Known as the “sunshine vitamin,” D3 helps keep your heart, brain, blood sugar and blood pressure healthy. It also supports healthy levels of telomerase, the enzyme that rebuilds telomeres.
A recent study showed that Vitamin D3 supercharges telomerase activity by 19.2%.21
>>Vitamin K2: The longevity vitamin
Vitamin K2 activates proteins that play a vital role in the health of your heart, bones, brain and joints.
Even better, vitamin K2 has shown positive effects on telomere length and longevity. This may explain why people who took 45 mcg of vitamin K2 every day were found to live seven years longer than those who took only 12 mcg per day, according to The Rotterdam Study.22
Each of these hard-to-get vitamins help boost telomere length and healthy activity of telomerase. Taking these vitamins is like re-activating your body’s “eternal youth” gene!
Now, use the same special Omega-3 formula
my patients and readers swear by.
Here are just a few of their grateful comments…

For Don, age 66, everything’s better with Omega Rejuvenol:
“At age 66, I was starting to see the effects of my age: Cognitive decline, loss of energy, failing eyesight and aging skin.
Today, my energy has returned, cognitive function improved, sharper eyesight and improved skin. I am very happy with Omega Rejuvenol.”

Marc is thankful for healthy blood pressure:
“I’m glad I trusted Dr. Sears and his Omega Rejuvenol.
I’m so relieved to see my blood pressure in the normal range.”

Kim can skip down stairs:
“After taking Omega Rejuvenol, my knees stopped clacking, and I can literally skip down stairs.
Thank you so much.”

Kerry looks years younger:
“Omega Rejuvenol works really well for me. I get compliments all the time about my skin and no one knows my real age.
They always think I’m much younger than my years. Really fantastic. Thank you, Dr. Sears.”

Neville got a second chance at living:
“With Omega Rejuvenol, I don’t have any more pain.
I feel a lot better, am not so tired and hope to live longer than they have predicted. Keep up the good work.”

Mark’s memory is back at age 30 levels:
“I was worried when I started blanking out on things that used to be routine. All those ‘senior moments’ started too young.
But they suddenly stopped when I started taking Omega Rejuvenol. Now, I feel my focus and memory are back at age 30 levels.”

Milo hiked eight miles at 8,000 feet:
“Thanks to Dr. Sears and Omega Rejuvenol, I feel the best I have in decades. My bone density is that of a 20-year old… my lung capacity has improved significantly (I recently hiked eight miles at 8,000 feet with no problems)… my blood sugar is normal… my cholesterol is within normal ranges… and my body fat is 20% so I’m wearing slim shirts and slim jeans.”
*Individual results may vary.
If you want to unleash the full rejuvenating power of Omega-3 DHA, forget typical fish oil and krill oil.
Instead, get a daily dose of young-again health with Omega Rejuvenol.
What makes this super-rich, supercharged formula so effective and so unique?
Omega Rejuvenol is truly a “first” in Omega-3 formulas, arguably…
1) The first Omega-3 formula that delivers a full, beneficial dose of Omega-3 DHA with 500 mg in each soft gel. This is…
- Up to 2-3X more Omega-3 DHA than fish oils
- Up to 20X more Omega-3 DHA than popular “Red” krill oils
The best source of Omega-3 DHA
One Omega Rejuvenol soft gel delivers more Omega-3 DHA than 2-3 fish oil capsules or 20 popular “Red” krill oil capsules.
In addition, it delivers over 65% Omega-3 DHA, the highest concentration of DHA ever achieved in natural health.
2) The first Omega-3 formula that pairs squid oil with nature’s most potent and absorbable Omega-3, krill oil (100 mg in each soft gel), to ensure DHA Omega-3s penetrate health-boosting power deeply into nearly every cell and tissue in your body.
3) The first Omega-3 formula that combines krill oil and the super antioxidant astaxanthin (2.5 mg in each soft gel), that protects Omega-3s from damaging oxidation and ensures they get past the blood/brain barrier to speed rejuvenating power to your brain.
4) The first Omega-3 formula that includes hard-to-get “grow younger” Vitamins A, D3, K2 and Tocotrienols that reverse the real cause of aging and boost telomere length and telomerase activity. This keeps your cells dividing indefinitely—so you feel younger and healthier.
5) The first Omega-3 formula that includes unique source of pure Omega-3 DHA (from squid and krill) that means no fishy aftertaste, burps or contamination risks.
And you get ALL of these health-boosting, age-defying nutrients in just one super concentrated, easy-to-swallow soft gel a day.
That’s right! No more wasting money on fistfuls of big, hard-to-swallow fish oil capsules… no more taking separate fish oil, krill oil or Omega-3 formulas … no more fishy burps and digestion issues.
In fact, taking my DHA-rich Omega Rejuvenol can save you hundreds of dollars a year compared to pricey fish oils or krill oils with “under dosed” DHA.
Best yet…
Order today, save 20% and enjoy annual savings of over $227!
Order your Best Deal, and become an Omega Rejuvenol VIP! That gives you huge VIP savings, plus FREE shipping.
You’ll save 20% by joining the Omega Rejuvenol VIP Auto Delivery Program, which includes a locked-in discount and FREE shipping for life.
You’ll get 3 bottles of DHA-rich Omega Rejuvenol shipped right to your door every 3 months for just $39.96 each for a total of $119.88. And, you’ll get this discounted price along with FREE shipping for as long as you take Omega Rejuvenol.
For your convenience, your credit card will be automatically charged with each shipment. You’ll never have to worry about re-ordering, and you can cancel at any time. That’s an annual savings of over $227.
Or, you may opt for the Great Value Offer (with special 10% savings) or a Trial Offer and still get my supercharged, super DHA Omega Rejuvenol delivered to your home.
Plus, you can try out my DHA-rich Omega Rejuvenol today without risk since your order is protected by an…
An Iron Clad, Money-Back,
Triple Guarantee of Satisfaction
When your shipment of DHA-rich Omega Rejuvenol arrives, open it and start taking one soft gel a day. Then, keep taking it knowing you won’t risk one cent. In fact, your order is backed by not one, but three guarantees…
Guarantee No. 1: I’m confident that once you start taking Omega Rejuvenol, you’ll feel the difference. You’ll feel younger, stronger, healthier and more energized. Your satisfaction is guaranteed—or your money back.
Guarantee No. 2: Keep taking Omega Rejuvenol and your heart and brain will get a boost… your joints will move more effortlessly… you’ll sleep more soundly… you’ll enjoy healthy blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol… and you’ll feel “young again.” Your satisfaction is guaranteed—or your money back.
Guarantee No. 3: Each soft gel of Omega Rejuvenol will deliver a full dose of 500 mg of Omega-3 DHA… 50 mg of Omega-3 EPA… 100 mg of krill oil… 2.5 mg of Astaxanthin… and Vitamins A, D3 and K2 and Tocotrienols… all to give you a youthful, rejuvenated health boost.
If for any reason at all, you’re not 100% satisfied with Omega Rejuvenol, simply return the bottles and any unused portion within 90 days for an immediate, complete and total refund, including shipping and handling. No question asked. And any FREE Gifts are yours to keep. What could be fairer or less risky than that?
You risk nothing… so order today.
Now, unleash the full health-boosting, rejuvenating power of Omega-3 DHA with Omega Rejuvenol.
As I mentioned, now for the first time, you can take the very same, special DHA-rich Omega-3 formula my patients and readers swear by.
No other Omega-3 formula I’ve seen gives you over 500 mg of Omega-3 DHA… Omega-3 EPA… krill oil… astaxanthin… and the four “young again” vitamins all in just one soft gel a day like Omega Rejuvenol.
It is the “next generation” Omega-3 formula… one that can do wonders for your heart, brain, eyes, joints and your whole body.
You risk nothing with and Iron-Clad, Money-Back, Triple Guarantee… and you can save over $227 with your Best Deal.
So, order today. Remember, a daily dose of Omega Rejuvenol can give you a youthful, rejuvenating boost… satisfaction guaranteed.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
P.S. Don’t forget. Your “Best Deal” locks in 20% savings and FREE Shipping for as long as you’re on the program.
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Become an Omega Rejuvenol VIP! Huge VIP Savings, Plus FREE Shipping for Life

You’ll save 20% by joining the Omega Rejuvenol VIP Auto Delivery Program, which includes a locked-in discount and FREE shipping for life.
You’ll get 3 bottles of DHA-rich Omega Rejuvenol shipped right to my door every 3 months for just $39.96 each for a total of $119.88. And I’ll get this discounted price along with FREE shipping for as long as I take Omega Rejuvenol.
For your convenience, your credit card will be automatically charged with each shipment. You’ll never have to worry about re-ordering, and you can cancel at any time. That’s an annual savings of over $227.
Great Value
You’ll get 3 bottles of DHA-rich Omega Rejuvenol shipped right to your door for only $44.96 each, a savings of 10%, PLUS FREE shipping and handling.
If you’re not satisfied for any reason, or no reason at all, within 90 days you may ask for and receive a FULL and. PROMPT refund for every penny paid, including shipping and handling. That way, you risk nothing.
Trial Offer
You’ll get 1 bottle of DHA-rich Omega Rejuvenol for $49.95 plus shipping and handling.
(1)Allaire, J. et al. Randomized, crossover, head-to-head comparison of EPA and DHA supplementation to reduce inflammation markers in men and women. Am J. Clin Nutrition, June 8, 2016
(2) Miller, P.E. et al. Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Blood Pressure, Am J of Hypertension, July 2014
(3) Mori TA, et al. Circulation 2000; 102(11):1264-69.
(4) Pharma Marine info sheet, p.1.
(5) The Influence of lutein and docosahexaenoic acid on serum, lipoproteins, and macular pigmentation. Am J Clin Nutr 2008 May; 87(5):1521-9.
(6) Omega-3 for your eyes, Harvard Health Letter, August 2012
(7) Wang, J.F. et al Lipds in Health and Disease, DoiL 10.1186/s12944-019-1048 A combination of omega-3 and plant sterols regulate glucose and lipid metabolism.
(8) Fish Oil Supplements Guide, Environmental Defense Fund, 2009.
(9) Maki, KC et al. Nutr Res 2009 Sept
(10) Bunea, R et al. Alt Med Rev 2004
(11) Ekpe, L, et al. Antioxidant effects of astaxanthin in various diseases—a review. Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science, Jan 2018
(12) Tan, Z. et al Neurology 2012, 78(9z0, 658-64
(13)Tso, et al. U.S. Patent #US5527533
(14) Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K., et al. “Omega-3 fatty acids, oxidative stress, and leukocyte telomere length: A randomized controlled trial.” Brain Behav Immun. 2013 February ; 28: 16–24. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2012.09.004.
(15) Kesavulu, M.M., et al. “Effect of omega-3 fatty acids on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme status in type 2 diabetic patients.” Diabetes Metab. 2002; 28: 20–26.
(16) Ornish, Dr. Dean, et al. “Increased telomerase activity and comprehensive lifestyle changes: A pilot study.” The Lancet Oncology. 2008, Nov.; Vol. 9, No. 11, P1048-1057.
(17) Makpol, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Jan-Feb 2010
(18) Xu, Q et al The Am J Clin Nutr 2009
(19) Ziu, H et al J Obes (London) 2012 Jun
(20) Geleijnse, J et al J Nutr Nov 2, 2004