The Simple Gut Fix
That Costs You NOTHING
Drug Companies are Investing MILLIONS
to Find a “New” Probiotic that Gives You “Super Immunity”…
But They are Getting it DEAD WRONG!
They’re trying to improve on Mother Nature…
American billionaires working with global foundations and Big Pharma believe they can “invent” microbes that are better for your gut than what helped our ancestors grow and evolve over millions of years.
Good luck with that.
Truth is, the secret to “super immunity”… the kind of resilience that protects you from your biggest health concerns is all around us.
And it won’t cost you a dime.
Just ask the Hadza.
The Hadza are modern hunter-gatherers living on Africa’s Serengeti Plain. They’ve been exposed to every disease and infection imaginable including malaria and Ebola… yet their “super immunity” keeps them safe. Every time.
Today, I’ll show you the secret that gives the Hadza the immune system of Superman. And I’ll give you a detailed plan for reintroducing the “primal gut bugs” that keep you safe no matter where you live.
You see, Mother Nature knows best.
Our native environment naturally has all the microbes our gut needs for robust health and performance.
Problems start when we lose access to those primal gut bugs.
Let me explain.
Their Guts Are Three Times Healthier
Than Anyone Else’s
The Hadza have lived apart from mainstream society for thousands of years…
Preserving a way of life long forgotten here in the west.
Their basic existence seems primitive to most people…
And yet according to researchers from Stanford, King’s College London, and Duke University…
They have the healthiest guts on the planet.
The Hadza aren’t affected by digestive imbalances…
And… unlike most Americans…
They maintain fantastic health even into their old age.
Their elders run alongside them, firm and fully capable of keeping up…
Even leading the hunts.
So how do they do it?
What gives the Hadza limitless strength and energy?
How do they stay clear of imbalances in their bowels and digestive tracts?
Well, despite leading their basic existence…
The Hadza enjoy a better standard of diet than anyone else in the world.
In deep bush camps, hunting and gathering still provides over 90% of all food. (a) Location of Hadza land in northern Tanzania; (b) top of a rock ridge near Sengele camp overlooking a lush landscape in between two phases of the rainy season; (c) extent of the land surrounding Lake Eyasi where Hadza make their camp sites, orange border denotes land area in 1950s and area in yellow shows the reduced area Hadza occupy today; (d) view of baobab trees within Hadza land during the early dry season. Photo a modified from the CIA World Factbook. Photos b and d by SL Schnorr and AN Crittenden
The Million-Year-Old Diet
You see, the Hadza don’t grow their food…
They aren’t raising any livestock…
They’re living a hunter-gatherer existence that hasn’t changed in 10,000 years.
Members of the Hadza, a hunter-gatherer tribe in Tanzania.
Photo courtesy of Jeff Leach.
Their diet consists of food they find in the forest:
- Wild berries
- Fiber-rich tubers
- Honey
- And wild meat.
They eat no processed food — or even food that comes from farms.
Their reliance on nature’s bounty has made them naturally strong.
In fact, researchers at Stanford found the Hadza have one of the most resilient immune systems on the planet…1
Which is no coincidence given your gut isthe cornerstone of your immune system.
Watching how the Hadza live taught me more than any textbook ever could.
It confirmed my long-held beliefs that modern medicine has got it all wrong when it comes to treating and preventing chronic disease.
Especially when dealing with the gut.
You see, many doctors write off common complaints as signs of ageing…
So instead of trying to cure you…
They’ll prescribe medications to relieve the symptoms.
But I can tell you now…
These so-called “everyday problems” are due to an underlying imbalances that need addressing.
And taking synthetic aids for the rest of your life is not the answer.
Here’s what I mean…
Your Gut Feeling Was Right All Along
You know that feeling you get in your gut when you know something’s up?
The one most people are quick to dismiss…
It’s actually a series of chemical messages being sent directly to your brain.
Messages that warn the status quo has been upset.
Because while your brain is processing the information from the outside world…
Your gut is doing the same for the inside of your body.
Now, it’s no big surprise your gut and brain are in communication.
After all, 80% of your immune tissue sits in your gut.2
What is striking though…
Is how one-sided this conversation is.
Ninety percent of gut-brain communication comes from your gut.3
Which means your brain is constantly listening to what your gut is telling it.
These messages come from your “GM.”
Short for Gastrointestinal Microbiome or Gut Microbiome.
Your GM is in constant communication with your brain, relaying messages about your internal health.
Your GM is like your own unique microscopic world…
Made up of the trillions of bacteria and microorganisms living inside your colon.
Together they’re known as “microbes” and significantly outnumber the cells in your body.
These microbes affect your metabolism and behavior in many different ways.4
They digest your food…
Instruct your immune system…
Protect your intestines from infections…
Remove environmental toxins from the body…
And produce B vitamins and vitamin K.5
They even affect your mood…
Helping produce more than 90% of your body’s serotonin — the happy chemical.
When there’s a problem with your GM…
You start experiencing the classic symptoms of an upset stomach:
- Trouble going to the bathroom
- Cramps
- Incontinence
- Diarrhea
And if left unchecked, any of these can turn into a serious problem.
A Perfect Gut in 3 Days
Now, remember when I said the Hadza have one of the most resilient immune systems on the planet…
And experience superior gut health in comparison to us here in the U.S.?
Well, scientists at the Max Planck Institute in Germany recently linked their ideal guts to the quality of their GMs.
You see, the Hadza were found to have the most diverse GM of anyone on the planet…
In some cases, 130% diversity compared to your average westerner’s.6
This higher level of gut micro-diversity gives the Hadza a much greater ability to digest and extract nutrients from fiber-rich foods…
Providing them with a cast-iron defense against a range of gut imbalances.
Now, imagine if you could grow your gut to be as strong as the Hadza’s…
You could forget about those nagging problems…
Stop regimenting your days…
And start living life to the fullest.
On a recent field trip to observe the Hadza way of life…
A professor from King’s College London proved it can be done.
He ate, slept and lived as one of the tribe for just three days…
And in that time his gut diversity increased by a staggering 20%!7
Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt…
ANYONE can grow their gut’s defenses given the right conditions.
All you need to do is maintain your gut’s natural diversity.
And the best part…
You needn’t go and live like a tribesman in Africa…
You can achieve the same results from your own home.
Become a Master of Your Own Digestion
When Bill Gates discovered growing your GM’s diversity was key to maintaining good health even into your golden years…
He tasked his foundation with working with medical professionals like me to develop brand new gut technology.
Bill saw firsthand the more diverse your GM is:
- The better your health…
- The more resilient to imbalances you are…
- And… the better your standard of life.
In fact, a recent study by doctors at Johns Hopkins found increasing gut diversity reduced gut imbalances by 95%.8
And patients at the Tübingen University Medical Hospital in Germany…
Recovered 4x faster when their GM was boosted.9
Researchers at the University of Manchester, England took this one step further…
They enhanced the GM of 362 patients suffering from a range of different imbalances…
And reported successes across the board:
- A reduction in discomfort caused by minor digestive imbalances.
- Improved body function.
- Clearer skin.10
- More energy.
- Less bloating and easier passage of gas.11
- And an improvement in overall digestive health.
But here’s the thing…
The doctors performing these studies didn’t boost gut diversity to superhuman levels…
They actually balanced patients’ GMs…
Restoring them to their original levels.
Because in recent times, our guts have come under direct assault…
From diets high in processed foods and sugar…
Meat and dairy products full of hormones…
And in particular…
From the western way of treating disease.
The Drug-Free Path
to Your Healthiest Ever Gut
When you hear the words “endangered species,” you probably think of big exotic creatures like elephants, leopards and polar bears…
But there’s another type of extinction that’s occurring inside your own body.
Inside your GM.
And it’s directly responsible for the rapid rise in imbalances in the gut that create a pathway to sub-optimal health here in the West.
“Over time we are losing valuable members of our community.”
– Stanford University
Your GM can range in size from anywhere between 10 to 100 trillion bacteria and other microorganisms.12
Together, they form a delicate environment that must remain balanced if it’s to work.
Antibiotics disrupt that balance…
And can kill both “good” and “bad” bacteria without discretion.
When researchers at Stanford screened more than 900,000 genetic samples from the stool of healthy men and women who took the antibiotic ciprofloxacin…
They found bacteria had still not recovered six months later.13
This cull of your body’s resources increases the potential to create a pathway of poor health…
And in some cases, the GM never fully recovers.
From the year 2000 to 2015, the number of antibiotics in use worldwide increased 39%.14
But rather support a healthy gut and immune system that will defend against outside microbial invaders that lead to poor health…
This increase caused new super resilient bacteria to form.
And now a growing list of serious infections in the U.S., including:
- Pneumonia
- Tuberculosis
- Skin infections
- Blood poisoning
- Gonorrhea
- And several foodborne illnesses
Are becoming more difficult and sometimes even impossible to treat.
Here in the U.S., 30% of oral antibiotics prescribed are unnecessary.15
A joint University of California and prestigious Boston Ivy League university study found…
“Early antibiotic intervention reduces host protective immunity to subsequent infection.”16
In other words…
Taking antibiotics as soon as you feel sick doesn’t allow your immune system to do its job…
Makes viruses stronger.
You have to give your immune system a chance to do its job.
Grow Your Gut’s Defenses and
Become Master Of Your Own Body
From the second you’re born, your gut begins to diversify and take in new bacterial residents.17
This collection of individuals must work together and live in harmony if they are to thrive.
When they do, you feel healthy and energetic.
When they don’t, you share their pain and discomfort.
A significant drop in one kind of bacteria…
Or a significant rise in another…
Can produce excess gas and chemicals which upset your GM and lead to intestinal discomfort.
This disruption of your gut’s bacteria is called “dysbiosis.”
And common signs include:
- Bad breath
- Upset stomach
- Nausea
- And constipation.
Dysbiosis is the main reason people experience bloating, cramps and abdominal pain.18
And it can lead to a lifetime of doctor’s visits.
But maintaining a balanced GM needn’t be difficult.
Many people take probiotics to repopulate their guts and maintain balance.
Probiotics are live bacteria that can help restore the gut to a healthy state after dysbiosis.
They do this by “reseeding” it with healthy microbes.19
Probiotics can help seal gaps between intestinal cells…
And support the “leak proof” wall of the intestines.20,21
Leaky gut occurs when the intestinal wall is damaged. This damage changes the wall’s thickness and can create gaping holes. These holes make many foods indigestible, restricting what you can eat. Image courtesy
Avoid the Supermarket Trap
Now, I really want to stress this…
Probiotics aren’t the yogurt drinks you see sitting on the shelves in supermarkets…
They have to stimulate the growth of your GM.
Most supermarket probiotics don’t even come close.
In fact, when a team of scientists at the University of Copenhagen published a review of seven randomized, placebo-controlled trials…
(The most scientifically rigorous studies researchers know how to conduct.)
They found only one study — of just 34 healthy volunteers — showed any significant change.22
If that weren’t cause for concern…
A Canadian study tested a range of commercial probiotics and found…
Only 27% have a label which properly describes the contents.23
When people consume commercial probiotics, they’re hoping the bacteria are the kind their unique gut needs.
But you can never know what kind or how much are in a serving.
Manufacturers don’t include it on their labels.
And if you ask, they won’t tell you.
The only thing that matters to the food corporations is their bottom line.
So it’s almost guaranteed you’re getting a tiny dose, too small to make any difference.
On top of that, if probiotics are going to be effective…
They need to be nurtured.
And it’s important to understand their life cycle has four stages:
1. The Lag phase – When bacteria mature and grow. During this time they adapt to their environment.
2. The Growth phase – When bacteria start replicating. They’re at their WEAKEST during this stage and are vulnerable to damage from their environment.
3. The Static phase – When the bacteria’s growth and death rates level out.
4. And… The Death phase – When growth stops and the bacteria start to die off.
Most probiotics arrive at the store in the growth phase…
When they’re most vulnerable to environmental harm.
Taking them at this stage is pointless.
Because they’re almost guaranteed to fail.
Plus, sitting on a shelf doesn’t do them any good either…
The microbes reach the death phase quicker…
And you’re left with a plain old yogurt drink.
It might be tasty, but it’s not going to do a thing for your gut.
Overcoming this challenge isn’t a priority for manufacturers though…
Because it’s an industry-wide problem.
And as long as the competition is in the same boat…
No one’s going to rock it.
Typically, commercial probiotics contain a large amount of sugar too.
If not sugar, then a manufactured sweetener.
Researchers at the University of Georgia found these sweeteners cause gastrointestinal issues…24
The same issues people are trying to alleviate by consuming probiotics in the first place!
If a probiotic does live long enough to make it to your mouth…
It then faces an even bigger challenge…
Your stomach.
Stomach acid kills the majority of bacteria on contact.
That’s why some commercial probiotics come in capsule form.
The coating helps protect the bacteria from stomach acid long enough to reach your small intestine.
At least in theory…
Sixty percent of these capsuled probiotic bacteria are still killed prior to reaching the intestine…25
Where they’re supposed to provide their health benefits.
Bacteria are measured in CFUs…
That’s Colony-Forming Units.
This number reflects how many bacteria the manufacturer believes can populate your gut.
Some products claim to have up to 80 billion…
But it means nothing if more than 99% of those bacteria die before they reach your small intestine.
If a probiotic is boasting more than 20 billion CFUs per dose…
It’s a red flag the manufacturer knows the survival rate is poor.
Overloading the CFU count to compensate doesn’t do a thing…
Except of course, raise the price.
Beating the Probiotic Problem
In the past, when patients came to me asking me if I could recommend them a probiotic…
I’d tell every one of them the same thing…
“I can’t recommend commercial probiotics, because
they don’t reach your lower colon — where they’re needed.
Heck, most won’t even survive your stomach.”
Still, they’d come back asking about some new product on the market…
And I’d tell them the same thing I told them before.
I could see no matter what I said, nothing was going to deter them from trying.
So rather than let this pattern continue…
I decided to tackle the probiotic problem myself.
I began by focusing my attention on prebiotics.
Prebiotics are a special form of fiber that acts as a fertilizer for the good bacteria in your gut.
I knew if you could sustain the probiotics on their journey through your colon…
Provide them with the food and resources to grow…
They could survive the hazardous journey and reach their destination.
Scientists at the University College Cork in Ireland had already proven…
Probiotic survival rate increased by 99% when combined with prebiotics.26
All I needed to do was find the right prebiotics.
The Four Most Robust Prebiotics in Existence
Prebiotic #1: Baobab — The main source of fiber in the Hadza’s Million-Year-Old Diet…
And the fruit of Africa’s “Tree of Life”…
Baobab fruit has six times more vitamin C than oranges and twice as much calcium as milk.
Baobab contains more antioxidants than any other whole fruit.27
Is full of:
- Vitamin C
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Iron
- and Protein.
Baobab is the healthiest banquet your friendly bacteria will ever eat.
It’s also rich in fiber…
Sustaining your friendly bacteria for a longer period of time…
And helping slow down the release of sugars — the main food source for your “bad” bacteria.
All-in-all, it’s the perfect natural filter for your gut.
Prebiotic #2: Larch Tree Bark — is made up of more than 98% arabinogalactan.
Alpine larch trees in Larch Valley, Lake. Louise, Alberta
Dutch researchers found arabinogalactan provides more energy for friendly bacteria in your gut than other prebiotics…28
And it also nourishes your gut lining.
Your gut lining is one of the first lines of defense against harmful substances you might not know you’re eating…
So fortifying it means your good bacteria can be better protected while they help foster a stronger environment.
Prebiotic #3: Honeybush — is packed full of different minerals needed for good health:
Honeybush is exclusive to small regions of South Africa.
- Phosphorus
- Nitrogen
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Zinc
- Magnesium
- Sodium
- Manganese
- Iron
- and Boron.
This cocktail provides probiotics with a rich source of materials…
Improving balance and function in your GM by…
- Regulating levels of bacteria.
- Supporting your immune system.
- And… even producing extra vitamins.
It’s also an excellent defender…
The nutrients in honeybush can prevent the harmful effects of toxins…
And reduce their influence on your DNA.29
Prebiotic #4: Rooibos — or “Red Bush” has been used as a treatment for occasional diarrhea and stomach issues for centuries.
Rooibos tea has been used for digestive and intestinal disorders.
It soothes irritation and is antispasmodic…
Meaning it keeps you regular…
Stems irritation…
And helps prevent imbalances from occurring.
These attributes are essential for probiotics to survive the journey through your colon…
And go on to develop your GM’s natural diversity.
Now, when people come to me asking about probiotics and how to defend their guts…
I make one recommendation…
The Only Probiotic I’ll Ever Recommend
Primal Biotic is my solution to the probiotic problem.
Containing more than 11 billion survivalist microbes…
It’s able to withstand corrosive stomach acid…
AND endure the long journey through your colon.
* Primal Biotic reintroduces your gut to primal flora…
The same primal flora consumed by our ancestors over thousands of years in our evolution.
Our ancestors got their probiotics from the foods they ate…
From the land brimming with mega doses of good environmental bacteria.
These are nature’s true probiotics.
Reintroducing them to your GM restores a balance that’s been upset since before you were born.
* Primal Biotic includes the most resilient strains known to science.
Strains like Bacillus subtilis.
Which can survive a six-year journey in space…30
Unaffected by harsh radiation, vacuum, temperatures and other conditions that don’t support life.
Its protective outer shell, known as an endospore, allows it to:
- Survive different hostile environments.
- Successfully pass through the acidic gastric system.
- And thrive once it reaches your GM.
* The flora in Primal Biotic are cultured by microbiologists in a dedicated lab environment…
Expertly tended until they enter their lag phase—
The exact time they’re at their strongest and most resilient.
There’s no sitting around in a box…
Or cooking on a shelf in the sun.
They’re primed and ready to adapt to your gut.
They work individually when carrying out specific tasks…
AND as part of a team when building up gut defenses.
A recent study by researchers in Finland found when different strains are combined, powerful partnerships are formed…
Partnerships that build a more sustainable environment in your gut.31
The variety of strains also provides further balance…
Meaning no one strain has the chance to become too dominant.
In all, I included 11 different strains for maximum diversity.
And I boosted their collective power by partnering them with the 4 most robust prebiotics in existence: Baobab, Larch tree bark, Honeybush and Rooibos.
One Capsule Supports
Superior Digestive Health
Now, for the first time, there’s a probiotic formula that does exactly what you need it to.
A primal formula filled with nutrients readily available to your ancestors.
Nutrients that feed the primal flora proven to support a healthy GM and…
Help boost your immune system
Improve your mood
Charge your energy levels
Promote the loss of weight and belly fat
And support the health of your intestinal lining offering a great defense for your entire body
No more medicine cabinets overflowing with pills…
This one capsule gives you complete control.
I’ve tailored it specifically to my patients’ needs…
And now I want to make sure everyone has access to it.
That’s why I’m dropping the price as low as I can…
And even taking care of shipping costs…
Because I know this will be a game changer for you.
This is your personal “Best Deal” offer…
- Three bottles of Primal Biotic (a month supply)
- And FREE enrollment in the VIP Auto Delivery Program.
Being a part of the VIP Auto Delivery Program nets you even more great savings…
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BUT… at the locked-in discounted rate of just $119.85, saving 25% every 3-months.
And if you change your mind, you can cancel at any time.
Yet that’s not all…
You’ll also receive 3 FREE Special e-Reports…
FREE e-Report No.1 – New Secrets For Great Gut Health
Normally $19.95, it’s yours FREE when you order my “Best Deal” package.
In this valuable special e-Report, you’ll learn:
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- Why today’s toxic world is a perfect set-up for disease, especially when your good gut bacteria is dominated by your bad
- The ancient fix for occasional constipation, indigestion and GI woes now shown to be a powerful gastric healer
- Medical shocker: Why the real cause of heart concerns often starts in your gut
- Why stress and anxiety can cause serious gut and digestive troubles — and what you can do about it
- How to turn your “digestion gene” back on so you better absorb food and nutrients
- And many more new secrets for restoring your gut, GM, and elimination paths to great health, yours FREE!
FREE e-Report No.2 – Optimal Bladder Health for the 21st Century
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In this special 21st century edition e-Report, you’ll learn:
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- The “healthy” drinks that are ruining your body
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FREE e-Report No.3 – Reawaken Your Second Immune System
Usually $19.95, it’s yours FREE when you order my “Best Deal” package.
In this one-of-a-kind special e-Report, you’ll learn:
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Plus, order within the next 24 hours and I’ll send you a special bonus e-Report…
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That’s a total of savings and FREE Gifts worth $165.55!
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Which means you can try Primal Biotic 100% Risk-Free!
I’m also running a Trial Offer for one bottle of Primal Biotic.
The Trial Offer includes the FREE special e-Report, valued at $19.95 — New Secrets For Great Gut Health.
Best Deal: Buy three bottles of Primal Biotic for just $119.88 That’s a savings of $74.95
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Great Deal: Order three bottles of Primal Biotic for $134.85 plus $10.95 shipping and handling and get the special e-Report valued at $19.95 — New Secrets For Great Gut Health FREE.
Trial Offer: Order one bottle of Primal Biotic for $49.95 plus $8.95 shipping and handling and get the special e-Report valued at $19.95 — New Secrets For Great Gut Health FREE.
Primal Biotic Is Relief in a Bottle
The unique primal probiotics and prebiotics in my new Primal Biotic have made a remarkable difference in my patients’ lives.
Giving them a new lease on life and complete peace of mind…
And now, you can take the exact same nutrients… without risk.
In fact, for any reason — or for no reason at all — if you do not want to continue taking Primal Biotic…
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And whatever you decide, any bonus gifts are yours to keep.
So act now.
Put an END to your worries now and forever…
With the power of the primal probiotics and prebiotics…
My patients have been enjoying great results:
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– Belinda M.
“My energy has come back from nowhere.”
– Kathy D.
“I feel fit, focused and happy.”
– Winter S.
Now, they’re back to enjoying their lives…
And now, for the first time, you too can take these same gut-restoring nutrients in my new Primal Biotic.
You have absolutely nothing to lose and great digestive, elimination and GI health to gain…
So order the new Primal Biotic today.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
P.S. I urge you to hurry and order now. I expect once word gets out about this new gut-restoring formula, we’ll be slammed with orders — and I don’t want to run out. If so, that will mean ordering more, and you’ll likely have to wait weeks for your supply. So get your bottles of Primal Biotic now, when you can. Order today.
Best Deal
Buy three bottles of Primal Biotic for just $119.88 That’s a savings of 25%.
- Plus get free shipping and handling, a $26.85 savings and you’ll also become a member of my exclusive VIP Auto Delivery Program.
- You’ll also get 3 FREE e-Reports, New Secrets For Great Gut Health, Optimal Bladder Health for the 21st Century, and Reawaken Your Second Immune System, valued at $59.85
We’ll ship you a fresh, potent supply of Primal Biotic every 6 months. For your convenience, your credit card will be automatically charged with each shipment. - And, if you respond within the next 24 hours — you’ll get an EXTRA bonus e-Report, Purify Your Body in 6 Easy Steps, valued at $19.95 as your free gift!
- That’s over $208 in FREE Gifts and Savings!
Great Deal
Order three bottles of Primal Biotic for $134.85 plus $10.95 shipping and handling.
Trial Offer
Order one bottle of Primal Biotic for $49.95 plus $8.95 shipping and handling.
1. Smits SA, et al. “Seasonal cycling in the gut microbiome of the Hadza hunter-gatherers of Tanzania.” Science. 2017;357(6353):802-806.
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5. Ursell LK, et al. “Defining the human microbiome.” Nutr Rev. 2012;70(Suppl 1):S38-S44.
6. Schnorr SL, et al. “Gut microbiome of the Hadza hunter-gatherers.” Nat Commun. 2014;5:3654.
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8. Sazawal S, et al. “Efficacy of probiotics in prevention of acute diarrhea: A meta-analysis of masked, randomized, placebo-controlled trials.” Lancet Infect Dis. 2006;6(6):374-382.
9. Enck P, et al. “Randomized controlled treatment trial of irritable bowel syndrome with a probiotic E.-coli preparation (DSM17252) compared to placebo.” Z Gastroenterol. 2009;47(2):209-214.
10. Visser MJE, et al. “Bacterial dysbiosis and translocation in psoriasis vulgaris.” Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2019;9:7.
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