Prosta Vive - Shoot 241% More Pee -
Pioneering Florida M.D. and men’s health expert reveals unusual stem-cell breakthrough that makes men…
Shoot 241% More Pee
Everyone thought stem cells could only replace damaged or dying cells, to help regrow withering organs. But now, a Nobel Prize-winning discovery has confirmed stem cells have a “hidden power” to shrink overgrown organs too. And it’s proven to banish an amazing 92% of prostate concerns in clinical trials… without drugs, doctor’s visits or surgery. Get the full story below…
Dear Reader,

I’ve long used stem cells at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine in Royal Palm Beach, Florida.
And for good reason.
Because stem cells can grow into mature cells to replace damaged or dying cells, they are a godsend for people suffering from almost every conceivable health issue.
But until very recently, they couldn’t help men struggling with peeing due to prostate concerns.
And that’s because, IF you can’t pee, the LAST thing you want is more cells making your prostate grow bigger.

But here’s the thing…

Research that won the Nobel Prize reveals stem cells have a “hidden power” to do something totally unexpected — trigger overgrown organs to shrink.

I’ve discovered how to harness this newly found “hidden power.” And it’s helping my patients with prostate concerns pee freely again.

I’ll explain how it works in the next few minutes. But first, you probably want to know if it works. So here’s…

Proof Your Prostate Will No Longer Hold Your Pee Hostage
After a slew of test-tube and animal studies confirmed this approach is safe and causes no side effects…
Researchers around the globe began multiple clinical studies, and confirmed it dramatically improves your ability to purge maximum pee from your bladder in minimum time.
Take one double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 558 men. Half of the men were given a nutrient that triggers the “hidden power.”
And compared to the placebo, they shot out 241% more pee!
Now, in addition to a more steady, more powerful stream…

They also emptied more pee from their bladder too. Specifically, 51% more pee… which made their constant pressure to go a thing of the past.

And that’s not all…

In another study, late night trips to the bathroom dropped by 54%.
To put this into perspective…
If the urge to pee currently jolts you awake two or three times every night… and assuming you allot 8 hours for sleep, that means you’re up every two hours to go pee.

But if you experience the same results as the men using this new approach…

You’ll Get a Solid 4 Hours of Uninterrupted Sleep without Having to Pee!
  • No Big Pharma
  • ​No negative effects on sexual performance
  • ​No loss of sexual desire
  • ​No surgery
  • ​No expensive, dangerous solutions
  • ​No doctor’s visits
  • ​No hospitals
And using a handful of ingredients proven to activate this “hidden power”…
I’ve created the first-ever, one-of-a-kind, at-home, pee-supporting stem cell breakthrough that gets you these results.

It needs no prescription. It has no dangerous side effects. It’s 100% natural, safe and — best of all — IT WORKS. What’s more, it has…

1,000% Better Absorption
If you are familiar with the typical ingredients in most prostate formulas, you’ll recognize some of the ingredients I’m about to show you. And for good reason. They are proven over-and-over-and-over again to do your prostate good.
However, some of them are VERY difficult for your body to absorb.

Which is why, perhaps most important of all, I’ve included a newly discovered secret that boosts absorption up to 1,000%… MAGNIFYING their proven power and unleashing their true potential for the first time ever.

This is something most prostate supplements are lacking. And the result is they do NOT get into your prostate where they’re needed most.

But at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine, this has become the “go-to” protocol for nearly all of my male patients…

And the results speak for themselves.

Now, if you’ve tried other prostate solutions in the past, and have been disappointed with the results… perhaps this extra 1,000% boost of absorption will release the floodgates, like it has for so many of my patients.

But I’m a doctor…

And I want you to understand, almost all supplements are formulated to only target HALF of the root cause of prostate concerns.

And that is, they only target the molecules in your body that will — sometime in the future — attack your prostate.

A good example of one of these molecules is dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

DHT can bind onto receptors on your prostate, making it swell. And while managing DHT is important, it’s like turning off a faucet on an already overflowing tub.

It’s a good first step.

But if you want to drain the tub, you have to pull the plug.

Stop Taking “Half-Measures” with Your Prostate
Which is why I decided to create a formula that targets this other, completely ignored part of the problem.

And that is, the extra molecules that are ALREADY in your prostate.

It’s why you may be feeling pressure on your bladder right now. It’s what’s choking off your urethra, damming up your pee.

They are the “enemy at the gates” right now.

I’ll explain how my new formula goes far beyond DHT… to support the health of your prostate, at its core.

But in the interest of full disclosure, I believe you should know all of the facts before you make a decision.

Big pharma drugs are mostly “half-measures” that ignore a major part of prostate problems
It’s Effective for (Almost) Every Man Who Uses It
Yes, it’s true… this won’t work for some men. Nothing works for everyone, everywhere, all the time…
Anyone who tells you different is either too young to trust, or a liar. But in one study of more than one thousand men (1,158 to be exact), using the American Urological Association symptom index that grades the severity of pee problems…
On average, it reduced ALL of the overall symptoms of a swollen prostate by a staggering 92%.

Think about that for a moment.

On top of all the benefits I’ve already mentioned:

  • Powerful streams that start fast and go for long
  • ​Less residual pee left over in your bladder
  • ​Reduced urge to go all the time
  • ​Better sleep
  • ​More sleep
Unleashing this “hidden power” also meant less strain or push to begin urination… less dribbling, dripping, and leaking… and for men whose reported sexual results… a stronger desire, more vigor and better erections too.

No, 92% isn’t perfect.

But for something that involves…

  • No drugs
  • ​No dangerous side effects
  • ​No scalpels or surgeries
Well, when you think about the alternatives…

Which would you choose?


So, what is this “hidden power”? And what triggers it? Let me explain…

How a Nobel Prize-Winning Discovery Made Stem Cells a Godsend for Your Prostate
You see, prostate concerns start when a process called “apoptosis” (the second “p” is silent… so it’s pronounced apo – tosis) goes haywire.

What is it?

MD Anderson Cancer Center says, “apoptosis appears to serve as an efficient cellular quality control mechanism that removes dysfunctional, unwanted, and potentially dangerous cells.”

In other words…

Apoptosis is how your body removes damaged, dying or diseased cells from your body. It instructs them to break into little pieces… which are then ushered out of your body.

Think of it like “taking out the garbage” for cellular waste.

Simply put, when apoptosis stops working all of this cellular waste does NOT break down… is NOT removed from your body… and instead… builds up inside you.

Now, this happens everywhere in your body.

It’s just that, if it happens to occur in your prostate you immediately feel the effects because:

1. Your prostate sits right below your bladder. So all this excess cellular waste pushes on your bladder, effectively making it “feel” like it’s more full than it actually is, increasing your urge to pee.

2. Your urethra runs straight through the middle of your prostate. So all this excess cellular waste clamps down on it like a vice, making it harder to pee.

In other words, the two most common pee complaints from men.

Research into apoptosis won the Nobel Prize in medicine in 2002.

But here’s the problem…

Researchers Could Observe It.
But Nobody Knew How to Control It to Help Men Pee. Until Now…
Now, stem cell researchers have cracked the code… and… they’ve discovered stem cells send out signals to trigger apoptosis.

This is a huge breakthrough.

Because, discovering the exact mechanism in which apoptosis keeps cellular growth in check…

Opened the door into tapping into its power to rid your body of dysfunctional, unwanted, and potentially dangerous cells.

I’ve put all of the details on how this works into a special report. Which I’ll show you how to get FREE in a moment.

But there’s one thing you MUST know now…

It’s something almost everyone has missed.

Heck, I would have missed it too… if it wasn’t for the fact that I’ve been on the forefront of stem cell research for almost two decades (and administering them at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine for almost that long)…

And I’ve also spent my entire medical career (30 years now) researching, testing, and prescribing natural substances for almost every health concern under the sun.

You see, certain natural substances send out these signals too.

And if you take these substances on a regular basis, it’s possible to support your body’s natural and healthy process of apoptosis, and as a result drastically reduce your prostate concerns.

What are these natural substances?


Here are the first three…
  • First is stinging nettle. It is the nutrient I mentioned earlier, that helped men shoot 241% more pee in the clinical study.
  • ​Another is beta-sitosterol. It is the nutrient in the study above that reduced late night trips to the bathroom by 54%.
  • ​Specifically, a study in the Journal of Nutrition and Cancer studies have found it “induced apoptosis fourfold.”
  • ​And then there is saw palmetto. The nutrient that banished an amazing 92% of prostate concerns.
Men who took stinging nettle were able to shoot 241% more pee in clinical trials.
Furthermore, in a study funded by the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program, in cell cultures saw palmetto caused “75% less cell proliferation” due to apoptosis.

Which is why I’ve put stinging nettle, beta-sitosterol, saw palmetto and the other apoptosis supporting ingredients — which I’ll tell you about in a moment — in my new formula Prosta-Vive LS.

It’s the First Ever Formula Specifically Designed to Support the Natural Process — Apoptosis — that Removes Damaged and Dying Cells from a Swollen Prostate.
But if you’ve taken a prostate supplement before, I’m sure you’ve heard of these. You’ve likely even tried a few. So what makes Prosta-Vive LS different?

Better absorbability. You see, on their own, these ingredients are very difficult for your body to absorb. How difficult?

… If You’ve Tried a Prostate Supplement in the Past, and It’s Failed You, Here’s Why…
A study in the American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism found most men are lucky to absorb 10% of the phytosterols ingested.

To put this into perspective, the vast majority of studies on phytosterols I’ve reviewed suggest you need at least 300 mg of phytosterols to have any impact on your prostate.

But if you can only absorb 10%… you’d need to ingest a whopping 3,000 mg of phytosterols before seeing any benefit.

To get that in a typical prostate supplement, you’d have to take the whole bottle of pills!

I have discovered two powerful solutions to this problem.

First, a single Prosta-Vive LS softgel contains a therapeutic phytosterol dose of 450 mg, and…

Second, an additional ingredient — that I haven’t seen in any other prostate formula — that solves the absorption problem.

Something that a study published in the International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews found enhances their absorption by 1,000%.

Phytosterols Won’t Do Your Prostate Good without This
Researchers there compared absorption of phytosterols alone vs. combining it with a certain type of lipid called long-chain fatty acids.

And the long-chain fatty acids increased absorption by 1,000%.

This is why I’ve included the two very best sources of long-chain fatty acids. Cod-liver oil and phytosterol rich Brazil nut oil.

The LS in Prosta-Vive LS stands for lipid-soluble.

The addition of these two superior sources of long-chain fatty acids makes the difference between getting only a fraction of the potential of phytosterols or the full spectrum of their prostate health benefits.

In every dose of Prosta-Vive LS you’ll also get:

  • 7 times increase. In a lab study of prostate cells, pumpkin seed oil10 produced up to a 7-fold increase in molecular pathways that lead to apoptosis activity. Leading researchers to conclude this is “strong evidence of a protective role of Pumpkin seed oil on prostate health.” That’s why I’ve made it a key ingredient in Prosta-Vive LS.
  • Supports prostate health 8 ways. The bark of the Pygeum tree has been used by traditional African healers to alleviate prostate concerns for thousands of years. But only now does science know why. New research shows that it’s wide spectrum of phytosterols supports the prostate eight different ways… including inhibiting the growth of two types of cells linked to uncontrolled growth, binds to estrogen receptors, and induces apoptosis.
  • ​Results in just 24 hours. Boswellia Serrata is traditional herb used for centuries to support a healthy and natural inflammatory response. But get this. A study at the MD Anderson Cancer Center transplanted human prostate cells into mice and reported “boswellic acid been shown to potentiate apoptosis,” resulting in “80% less cell viability in 24 hours.”
  • 40% lower score. In a study in Experimental Biology and Medicine, men who took lycopene for three weeks experienced an average 40.5% reduction in a standard score that grades prostate health (lower is better). That’s because it causes apoptosis in “hyperplastic prostate tissue”… tissue that’s growing out-of-control, and is causing prostate concerns but not cancer.
  • ​2,000-year reputation as “sex fuel.” Practically everything a man would want for a rejuvenated prostate and sex drive is found in a vegetable root grown high in the Peruvian mountains. It’s called maca. And studies have found it can produce better erections… increase erectile function scores… and boost sexual desire over 42%.
  • Apoptosis fuel. Like every other process in your body, apoptosis requires fuel. And the same fuel that’s proven to boost heart and brain health can work wonders for your prostate too. I’m talking about CoQ10. Specifically, a University of Miami study found CoQ10 “restores the ability for apoptosis” inhibiting unnecessary cell growth by a whopping 70% in just 48 hours.
But no prostate formula would be complete without the…
Must-Have, but Frequently Missing
Minerals in a Man’s Diet

As many as 40% of older Americans are deficient in Zinc, a key nutrient for prostate health.
I’ve been seeing patients for 30 years.

And if there is one pattern I see, it’s that men who visit my office are universally low in the three most important minerals for male health. Zinc, selenium and boron.

Those minerals power almost every function in a man’s prostate.

And it’s why I’ve included them in Prosta-Vive LS.

Just one softgel a day and all of Prosta-Vive LS‘s vital nutrients support apoptosis to:

  • Shuttle out the cellular waste clogging your prostate…
  • ​Support the healthy function of your prostate, so you can…
  • ​Stop worrying about going to the bathroom all the time, and start living life again.
If you’ve read this far, you’re probably as excited as I am about this new breakthrough in prostate health.

And while many of the test-tube studies show effects in just the first 24 hours with the ingredients in Prosta-Vive LS…

Apoptosis works like compound interest.

With all of the clinical studies, that confirmed REAL results for men with real prostate problems, like:

  • 241% more powerful streams that start fast and go for a long time
  • ​51% less residual pee left over in your bladder (reducing the urge to go all the time)
  • ​And 54% less night-time trips to the bathroom… resulting in more and better sleep
… suggest you’ll see the best results after 90 days of continued use.

Bottom line: This stem cell discovery is a completely new approach, that in clinical studies banished an incredible 92% of prostate concerns.

You can get a 1-month supply for $59.95 plus $8.95 shipping and handling ($68.90 total).

But I recommend at least a 3-month supply, like what was used in the clinical trials. To make that easy I’ve created a special offer for you…

Lock in Your Lowest Price and Get a FREE Bottle and FREE Shipping!
When you chose my BEST DEAL offer, you’ll get one bottle FREE when you buy two bottles of Prosta-Vive LS for only $119.90. That’s 3 bottles for the price of 2 and a discounted price of only $39.96 per bottle.

That’s a 33% savings off the retail price. Plus, shipping and handling is FREE (a $26.85 value)!

In addition, you’ll get my two easily downloadable special e-Reports, The Incredible Stem Cell Revolution and The Second Immune System — FREE ($39.95 each, together totaling a $79.90 value). To top it off, you’ll also get a FREE subscription to a daily email broadcast, Doctor’s House Call, plus FREE shipping and handling.
Free e-Report #1: The Incredible Stem Cell Revolution: How You Can Make the Most of the Biggest Breakthrough in Medical History

Discovery why stem cells are the biggest breakthrough in medical history and how you can make the most of them. Learn how to tap into your body’s ultimate natural healer… restore your immune system… access the most powerful anti-aging weapon known… and much, much more, yours FREE!

Free e-Report #2: The Second Immune System

In this brand-new dossier, The Second Immune System, I reveal 3 (three) no drug… no supplement… no exercise… and no diet-changing ways to trigger apoptosis and other processes in your body that rid your body of the damaged, dying, and diseased cells that make you feel lousy and contribute to a laundry list of diseases.
When you use Prosta-Vive LS the benefits start stacking up and get bigger over time. You have the opportunity to enjoy HUGE gains over the long term.
241% More Pee or Your Money Back Guaranteed
Now, I know freedom from prostate concerns may seem impossible…

And I’d hate for your skepticism to get the better of you… and for you to miss out trying Prosta-Vive LS for yourself.

For this reason, I’m happy to take all the risk.

I promise you Prosta-Vive LS will help you:

  • Started peeing faster
  • ​Pee more
  • ​And more fully empty your bladder
If you’re not thrilled with the results you get from Prosta-Vive LS, simply send me back the empty bottle, or bottles, within 90 days from purchase date. And, of course, you’ll get a full refund of your purchase price.

In other words, this offer is 100% risk-free.

To try my exclusive Prosta-Vive LS, risk-free, click on an offer below.

You’ll be taken to a secure form. Just enter your information and I’ll rush-ship Prosta-Vive LS out the day you order. Most customers receive their shipment within 2-3 business days.

You have absolutely nothing to lose — and many years, even decades, of healthy living to gain.
You’ll get one bottle FREE when you buy 2 bottles of Prosta-vive LS for only $119.90. That’s 3 bottles for the price of 2 and a discounted price of only $39.96 per bottle. Plus, you’ll get FREE shipping and handling and 2 FREE bonus e-Reports valued at $39.95 each.

That’s a 33% discount and a savings of over $165!
Order a 1-month supply of Prosta-Vive LS for just $59.95 plus $8.95 shipping and handling ($68.90 total)
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
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This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.